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Events / Competitions / Record Attempts
First all-student rocket to reach space | Traveler IV Launch
On April 21, 2019, we, the USC Rocket Propulsion Lab, launched our latest space-shot rocket, Traveler IV, out of Spaceport America. Traveler IV reached an apogee of 339,800 ft with a confidence of 90% of having crossed the internationally-recognized border between Earth’s atmosphere and space known as the Kármán line. By flying higher than the Kármán line, Traveler IV has broken the world record for the highest altitude ever reached by a vehicle entirely designed and built by a collegiate rocketry team. USCRPL thanks the alumni, faculty, department staff, parents, the university, and all others who have supported the lab’s fourteen-year-long dream. Even greater things lie ahead. Read the full data analysis and check out more information in the following links: Apogee analysis white paper: http://uscrpl.com/s/Traveler-IV-Whitepaper USCRPL blog post: http://www.uscrpl.com/updates/2019/5/22/traveler-iv WIRED article: https://www.wired.com/story/a-rocket-built-by-students-reached-space-for-the-first-time/ Keep an eye out for the full-length documentary coming soon! --- About us: USCRPL is the world’s premier undergraduate research group for experimental rocket technologies. Founded in the 2004-2005 school year with the mission of putting a scratch-built rocket into space, USCRPL has spent the last 14 years becoming a world leader in the design, manufacturing, and testing of small, low-budget, high-performance rockets. RPL’s members are all undergraduates, but alumni work across the space industry at organizations such as SpaceX, Blue Origin, and NASA, as well as RPL alumnus-founded startups like Relativity Space, Ursa Major Technologies, and 121C.
Author USC Rocket Propulsion Laboratory
Duration 04:55

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