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Events / Launches / NARAM
FAI Parachute Duration Competition Rocket - 5: Motor Mount

Gluing the engine mount into the conical transition. This series of videos goes with a rocket that we've just released at Apogee Components. The rocket is named I.T.S., which stands for International Thermal Sailor. It is a competition rocket that meets the requirements of the F.A.I. parachute duration competition (F.A.I. is short for: Fédération Aéronautique International, which is the world governing body for air sports, aeronautics and astronautics world records). F.A.I. A-engine parachute duration is one of the events being held in July 2014 at NARAM-56 here in Colorado, so we wanted to release a basic model that will get you a qualified flight per the rules. Since it is a duration model with a big parachute, there is no reason that this rocket won't be the winner. You'll find that it seems to float effortlessly, and will easily catch a small thermal and soar away.

Author Apogee Components
Duration 203 seconds

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