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Greg Smith's quest to spend even more money on rocket science Blog

Greg Smith's Blog Posts

Sport Rocketry / Rocketry Products / Wildman / Kits / Extreme DarkStar

     Rocketry Product: Wildman Rocketry - Dark Star Extreme {Kit}

    M2080 recovery failure analysis (2016-06-28)
    This has been a rough entry to ponder but I need to commit to history and move on.  In memorium...  I had flown this Wildman Extreme DarkStar workhorse 10 times over the course of ~4.5 ... [Read More]

    M2080 recovery failure analysis - Part 2 (2016-07-31)
    Since I posted part 1 of the M2080 recovery failure report I have been in contact with Jeff Garvey at electricmatch.com. He's been very patient while I worked through his requested testing and here's ... [Read More]