Grover Aerospace: FAR January 2016 (2016-01-27)
I had planned to launch a 4″ rocket on a 3″ motor with 34″ of propellant, however the clouds were hovering around 18,000′ (well below the expected altitude) so I opted to ... [Read More]
High Power Rocketry: SORAC (2007-01-22)
The SORAC Project was initiated in 1995 as a Civil Experimental Aerospace endeavor. The first goal is to place a totally non-government funded vehicle into internationally recognized space, 62 ... [Read More]
DTH Rocket Blog: A Ladder to Space (2008-05-18)
A whatta to wha? What do I mean by a ladder to space? Am I going to try to build the World’s Largest Structure Ever Conceived by Man? DTH Rocket Endeavors’ Ladder to Space – noun: ... [Read More]
High Power Rocketry: To 100K (2009-01-03)
At all times, there are a baker's dozen rocketry projects from teams and individuals on the edge between level 3 high power, and amateur rocketry. Many of them are attempting flights to near space or ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Concept Ships (update) (2009-02-12)
Check out the ConceptShips - An online animates spaceship and experimental aircraft art magazine . There is also a companion forum . I was going to swipe a sample image, but I couldn't decide on ... [Read More]
DTH Rocket Blog: Happy News for Rocket People (2009-03-18)
There's some big news going around in the rocket community (I've heard this from about five different sources now). The rocketry associations NAR and TRA have been waging a legal battle against the ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: The future of solid propellant oxidizers - ice (?) (2009-08-21)
That's right, plain old water ice. Via PRNewswire (my highlights, photo credit: Dr. Steven F. Son, Purdue University): WASHINGTON, Aug. 21 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- NASA and the Air Force Office ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: A compendium of rocket eye candy (2009-11-20)
Clark Lindsey provides links to two posts on the Daily Kos - Part 1 includes photos and videos of operational rockets and part 2 is dedicated to experimental vehicles. The split is not 100% ... [Read More]
High Power Rocketry: Two big sets of rocketry images (2009-11-29)
Space Tech Photo Diary - Part 1 Space Tech Photo Diary - Part 2 How this wound up at a political blog I don't really know, but it is a great set of pictures of rockets and space gear. Do rockets ... [Read More]
High Power Rocketry: Patent by R.H. Goddard (2009-12-07)
I have been reading Retro Rockets recently, it is one of the new books in the recent buying frenzy over at Amazon, and one of the best chapters covers the work of Goddard. Goddard is now very famous ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Retro rocket science resources (2009-12-07)
R2K features the book Retro Rockets - Experimental Rockets 1926-1941 , a Dr. Robert Goddard patent, and a " quick history of the early rocketeers ." [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: A new edition of Experimental Composite Propellant is on the way (2009-12-18)
Dr. Terry 'Pr'fesser' McCreary has just announced his plans to publish the 2nd edition of his acclaimed book, Experimental Composite Propellant . The 1st edition is regarded as one of the best ... [Read More]
Randy's Rocketry Blog: Amateur Experimental vs High Powered Rocketry (2010-01-04)
The other day someone that knew I was "into" rocketry said, "I saw this show on TV where these guys put rocket motors onto a ten foot mock up of Dorothy's house from the Wizard of Oz and shot it ... [Read More]
Bayourat Aerospace Blog: New Materials Designed To Deal With Hypersonic And Supersonic Hot Stuff (2010-01-08)
ROCKET SCIENCE New Materials Designed To Deal With Hypersonic And Supersonic Hot Stuff Hypersonic vehicle in the upper atmosphere travelling at Mach 8, indicating heating in the leading edges and ... [Read More]
High Power Rocketry: N prize team profiles (2010-05-02)
This is an update from the N prize blog. With about 500 days left, this looks like a good time to quickly describe the plans of some notable participating teams. In some cases, information is not ... [Read More]
High Power Rocketry: Little Monster Update (2010-05-31)
Readers may recall the following post section from below: Little Monster Rocket does not have specific plans, and has not updated this web page in over a year. The FAQ is detailed, however, and ... [Read More]
Randy's Rocketry Blog: Launch update (2010-07-13)
Change of plans. Once I started looking into what actually had to be done to prep the camera rocket for this weekends launch, I realized that there was actually more to do than I had anticipated. ... [Read More]
DTH Rocket Blog: Experimental Photography (2010-08-25)
Another thing I do when I'm bored: [Read More]
High Power Rocketry: Inventing death: Interview with a (maybe) CIA weapons designer (2010-09-23)
The following is a playboy article By Laurence Gonzilles. There are plenty of reasons to wonder if this information is factual, but it does contain a discussion of some relevant ballistics ... [Read More]
High Power Rocketry: Rocket flight to 72,000 feet (2010-09-27)
I do not have much information about this rocket, called Proteus 6.5, this was first posted at TRD. Video footage would be great, but I understand this flight did not happen too long ago. Looking at ... [Read More]
Bayourat Aerospace Blog: Dr. Jeff Taylor's Rocket Flies To 72,000 Ft. At The Ball's Rocket Launch (2010-09-28)
Industry News by Planet News Tuesday, September 28, 2010 The Proteus 6.5 rocket was launched from the Black Rock dry lake bed in northwest Nevada on 9/25/2010. Photo: Scott Kormeier. BLACK ROCK ... [Read More]
Bayourat Aerospace Blog: X-37B Secret Space Plane Had 7 Collisions With Debris While In Space. (2010-12-07)
According to Defense Department spokesman Richard McKinney. There were multiple collisions with space debris during the X-37's 244 days in space. The only physical damage seen so far has been seven ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Review: Lindberg 1:48 XFY-1 "Pogo" (PMC) (2010-12-29)
Convair's XFY-1 "Pogo" was an experimental tail-sitting VTOL aircraft from the 1950s. It actually flew but never made it into production. I had a model of it as a little kid and always liked its ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Review: Standard Cray-ARM (2011-01-03)
This is a review of my first Crayon rocket. I decided not to go with the typical clear fins and instead went for a 'goony' version of the Standard Missile. This one used an original 'Ralphco' brand ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Rocket Videos: Tape v. DVD (2011-01-26)
This post describes the Point 39 Productions LDRS XIX (on VHS tape) and the ROCKETS Magazine/Liberty Launch Systems Red Glare IV (on DVD) videos. Point 39 Productions - LDRS XIX Ever since ... [Read More]
Bayourat Aerospace Blog: Jacques Valier Advanved Rocketry At The Cost Of His Life (2011-03-21)
Alamogordo Daily News By Michael Shinabery, New Mexico Museum of Space History Newspapers worldwide announced Jacques Valier's May 17, 1930, death, although details varied and were mostly wrong, ... [Read More]
High Power Rocketry: Silver Spur3 - Student Rocket (2011-04-09)
"It features an all carbon fiber motor case, ablative fin leading edges, and a titanium nose cone tip. Flying on an O5000, it flew to about 50000 ft and reached a maximum speed of about Mach 3.3." ... [Read More]
High Power Rocketry: The Russian ABM - Gazelle SH-08/ABM-3 (2011-05-05)
"The Gazelle (SH-08/ABM-3), also known by its Russian designation, 53T6, is a short-range, high-acceleration interceptor missile designed and manufactured by the Soviet Union.(1) At present, 68 ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Links and nuttin' but links (2011-06-04)
In no particular order: Here's a Flickr album on the flight of the the Copenhagen Suborbitals' HEAT 1X-Tycho Brahe flight: - Mission 2011 . And more HEAT 1X-Tycho Brahe videos, via Clark ... [Read More]
Bayourat Aerospace Blog: Second X-51A hypersonic flight ends prematurely, As Scramjet Engine Fails To Ignite (2011-06-16)
by 95th Air Base Wing Public Affairs 6/15/2011 - EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. -- A second test of the X-51A Waverider flew Monday in the Point Mugu Naval Air Test Range over the Pacific Ocean, ... [Read More]
High Power Rocketry: University of Brasilia's team is now in the N-prize (2011-07-10) Here are some of the projects from this "hybrid team." ____________________ "The LILE Program is the first project of Hybid Team and the aim was the launch of two ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Jeff Taylor and Curt Newport to try for 100K' and the Carmack Prize (2011-07-31)
Ben Brockert, of Armadillo Aerospace, provided an update on the Carmack Prize, including the rules, the background, and information about the only announced launch attempt. Jeff Taylor and ... [Read More]
Bayourat Aerospace Blog: The N.R.L. Is Set To Launch A Miotaur IV Sept. 27, 2011 From Kodiak Launch Complex (2011-08-23)
Published: August 22, 2011. Naval Research Laboratory WASHINGTON--The Naval Research Laboratory's Tactical Satellite IV (TacSat-4) is scheduled to launch from the Alaska Aerospace Corporation's ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: CalTech Target Rocket (2011-11-03)
I previously posted a photo of the business end of this rocket. The poster didn't have many details and said it was known as the CT target rocket . Tonight, I decided to look further and found both ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Tampa TTRA Launch November 19. 2011 (2011-11-21)
I almost didn't go to the Tampa TTRA launch today. I had a evening show scheduled and realized the venue was only ten miles from the TTRA site! So, it was a launch in the afternoon then banjos at ... [Read More]
DTH Rocket Blog: Internship at XCOR! (2011-11-29)
I had a very interesting Thanksgiving break. During the first couple of days I was contacted via email about a possible internship at XCOR Aerospace. I called the next day and learned about what it ... [Read More]
Bayourat Aerospace Blog: X-37B Will Remain In Orbit Longer Then 270 Days (2011-12-01)
The US Air Force’s secretive X-37B space plane, launched on March 5, 2011, was designed to fly for 270 days. Day 270 came yesterday, but the military branch has decided to prolong its ... [Read More]
Wayne Hill's Blog: Fused launch photos show details of rocket flame (2011-12-07)
These wonderfully detailed images of the last shuttle launch were taken using a process of combining different camera images with different filters into one high definition image. The pictures ... [Read More]
Bayourat Aerospace Blog: The New ESA "Vega" Rocket Will Launch An Experimental Earth Return Vehicle (2011-12-16)
Europe’s ambition for a spacecraft to return autonomously from low orbit is a cornerstone for a wide range of space applications, including space transportation, exploration and robotic ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Experimental Beriev Ekranoplan (2012-01-31)
Experimental Beriev Ekranoplan , a photo by amphalon on Flickr. [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Feed reader stars, tweets and other interesting links (2012-02-24)
The World’s Largest Museum to 3D Print Copies of Priceless Artifacts (video) - Mashable - The Smithsonan is embarking on a project to digitize some 137 million artifacts. That should ... [Read More]
Bayourat Aerospace Blog: ESA Prepares For The Launch Of ATV-3 "Edoardo Amaldi" (2012-02-29)
The third ATV, to be launched to the ISS in early 2012, is named after famous Italian physicist and spaceflight pioneer Edoardo Amaldi. The Italian space agency, ASI, proposed naming ATV-3 after the ... [Read More]
High Power Rocketry: Welcome to the B reactor video series (2012-03-07)
Atomic Heritage has a whole bunch of videos talking about the reactor used during the Manhattan project to create plutonium from uranium. This was one of the first reactors ever built, and as such ... [Read More]
High Power Rocketry: Sealab - Experimental underwater habitats (2012-03-21)
"SEALAB I, II, and III were experimental underwater habitats developed by the United States Navy to prove the viability of saturation diving and humans living in isolation for extended periods of ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Links roundup (2012-04-10)
New name, same conglomeration of links from social and anti-social media: Briefs: Laser com demo on Loral sat - RLV and Space Transport - Clark posts about SS/L teaming with GSFC on a laser ... [Read More]
High Power Rocketry: "Amateur Rocketeers Reach For The Stars" (2012-06-14)
"When QUEST first started production on the television story, 'Amateur Rocketeers Reach for the Stars', I had no idea that the amateur or experimental rocketry was so popular today. Before the ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Links roundup (2012-07-10)
I don't have a link yet but will be looking for a blog post, or three, about Ken's latest adjustable pitch-wing monocopter, which he calls the Wig-Wag. Look out for it over on ZZaks' Lab . The ... [Read More]
High Power Rocketry: Kiwi - Nerva nuclear thermal rocket program (2012-08-26)
"The main objective of project Rover/NERVA was to develop a flight rated engine with 75,000 pounds of thrust. The ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: More low tech rocketry in the Dungeon (2012-09-11)
I managed to score a paper rocket experimenter's pack from Mike Bauer. This includes 3 air rockets to experiment with altitude and 8 to experiments with stability. The altitude pack are ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Launch Report 2012-14 (2012-09-12)
Location: My 'hood Weather: mid-70's, wind 0+ mph, clear Total flights: Today - (10); YTD - 80 Total motors: Today - -; YTD - 95 Motors by class YTD: (Air -22); MicroHybrid -1; MMX -6; A -6; B -5; C ... [Read More]
Wayne Hill's Blog: The new RCS Store (2012-10-05)
Experimental rocketeers rejoice! The completely new RCS Store is now open for business. “RCS Rocket Motor Components was founded by Gary Rosenfield in 1995 to offer AeroTech ... [Read More]
Wayne Hill's Blog: Orbital awarded major contract from Air Force for EAGLE spacecraft platform (2012-10-24)
Links: Orbital (Dulles, VA 24 October 2012) — Orbital Sciences Corporation (NYSE: ORB), one of the world’s leading space technology companies, today announced that the U.S. Air ... [Read More]
Alex Zoghlin's Blog: Another Saucer bites the dust (2012-11-04)
Due to my schedule, and the fact my local rocket club doesn’t fly experimental motors, I only get to launch EX motors once a year, and Midwest Power in Princeton ... [Read More]
DTH Rocket Blog: Rockoon Update (2012-11-28)
Our final project for the semester is to assemble our design into a very large poster (it's like four feet wide). I'd like to share it with you! But instead of just posting a little picture of it, ... [Read More]
High Power Rocketry: Darts and dart launch towers (2013-01-21)
Launch of Suborbital Sounding Rocket Systems with instrument and experimental payloads Full Turnkey Engineering with launch ... [Read More]
High Power Rocketry: Spontaneous Capillarity-Driven Droplet Ejection (2013-02-09)
"The first large length-scale capillary rise experiments were conducted by R. Siegel using a drop tower at NASA LeRC shortly after the 1957 launch of Sputnik I. Siegel was curious if the wetting ... [Read More]
Randy's Rocketry Blog: GROVER AEROSPACE (2013-05-22)
I went though my links to see what other people were doing. Some are less active than they use to be, some more. I got rid of a couple of links and I also found some new sites. One ... [Read More]
High Power Rocketry: Star Lab - a modern NOTSnik - sub-orbital system using an F-104 (2013-06-07)
"CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla – A NewSpace company based out of New Port Richey in Florida is working to provide suborbital access to space for firms with scientific payloads. ... [Read More]
High Power Rocketry: Copenhagen Suborbital Sapphire (2013-06-26)
"SAPPHIRE (modified HATV) is our experimental rocket using active guide jet vane rudders. SAPPHIRE-1 will be launched at test range ESD139 during Summer 2013. Active guidance is a necessity for ... [Read More]
High Power Rocketry: Scott's Experimental Rocketry (2013-07-11) [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Launch Report 2013-6 (2013-08-19)
I grabbed some Mike Bauer air stomp rockets and my PVC launcher to entertain my grand-rocketeer. He helped launch a few then decided he'd visit my neighbor instead. His sister took over and ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: New hypersonic space plane and precision munitions proficiency (2013-09-18)
I found both these items vis the Unwanted Blog. First up is an artist's concept of DARPA's Experimental Spaceplane (XS-1) program . They have issued an RFI for a hypersonic 'airplane like' vehicle ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Retro-amateur rocketry abroad (2013-11-13)
Earlier today, Flickr user Morbius19 , sent me a couple of links regarding the Manchester Interplanetary Society's rocketry activities circa the 1930's. The main site, Harry Turner's Footnotes to ... [Read More]
High Power Rocketry: Shooting water droplets with powerful lasers (2014-11-20)
"The energy deposition in a liquid drop on a nanosecond time scale by impact of a laser pulse can induce various reactions, such as vaporization or plasma generation. The response of the drop can be ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Textbook Rocket Launch Today! April 18, 2015 (2015-04-18)
From TRF, April 17 - Textbook Rocket Launch - Space Center Houston Tomorrow threw out a design challenge for builders here to create launchable rockets made ... [Read More]
Rocket N00b: Estes Pro Series II - Nike Smoke (Decisions) (2015-09-07)
Click here for the Pro Series II introduction. Click here for Ventris The Nike Smoke rocket was a NASA sounding rocket used during the 1960's. A Nike Smoke being prepared ... [Read More]
Rocket N00b: Signal Alpha (2017-10-09)
Hello, again. It's your old pal, the Rocket N00b. I haven't written in a while, I know. And, really, this post isn't exactly n00b stuff - it's pretty advanced model rocketry, in fact. But tonight, I ... [Read More]
Blast From The Past: A Definite MUST-BUILD Scale Model Rocket! (2018-10-01)
I recently downloaded from the NAR website a copy of Peter Alway's " The Art of Scale Model Rocketry ". Within the pages of this excellent book I found this.....and immediately cracked up! You ... [Read More]
Blast From The Past: Launch Date: April 17th, 2023 (2023-04-20)
Great weather conditions in Castle Rock this past Monday marked the first group launch of 2023 among members of our ever-growing Front Range rocketry 'gang'. This day I was joined at Founders Park ... [Read More]
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