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Style / Upscale
Estes Optima 3" upscale launch on an Aerotech G80-NBT onboard 808 cam

Onboard cam view of my 3" upscale Estes Optima launched on an Aerotech DMS G80-14A NBT. This was the first launch after rebuilding after it's recovery separation and crash in June 2016. The altitude was approximately 1000ft with a max speed near 200mph. This rocket and motor are about as big as you can go without high-power certification. The rocket weighs about 1400g(49 oz.) and the motor has a total impulse of 137N with a burn time of 1.7 sec.

 Rocketry Product: Estes - Optima {Kit} (2035) [1990-1994]

 Rocketry Product: Aerotech - G80W Single-Use Motor {Motor}

Author EpicRocketry
Duration 107 seconds

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