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Sport Rocketry / Contests / EMRR / Elevate 11 (2009)

    Model Rocket Building: 11.11.11 (2011-11-11)
    On facebook, Ryan suggested I post this one today! If you've seen it before, my apologies. If not, it was kind of funny planning and building it. This was my entry for the 2009 Elevate 11 contest ... [Read More]

    Rocket Dungeon: Cool EMRR contest entry! (2009-05-12)
    For me, the highlight of today's update is Hans "Chris" Michielssen's entry into the Elevate 11 Contest, aptly named Elevate 11 . The name is not exciting but the number of features with the number ... [Read More]

    Odd'l Rockets: Little Green Man Prototype Build, Part 7, Nose Weight and Nose Plug Assembly (2014-07-25)
    The screw eye is turned into the nose plug circle until the thread line is almost gone. A glue fillet is added to both sides. The clay is pressed into the drilled center of the nose cone. ... [Read More]