Rocketeer's Corner: Second time around... (2018-07-08)
My 30+ year old competition rockets (Click to enlarge) During the first 25 years or so of model rocketry, the elite rocketeer was not one who had completed a level 3 ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: NARAM Egg Lofter Build, Part 1, Parts (2018-08-18)
I'm basing my C engine Egg Lofter design on the old Competition Model Rockets Robin design. To see the CMR catalog: CLICK HERE I'm really doing a lot of guessing with my competition designs. I know ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: NARAM Egg Lofter Build, Part 2, Egg Capsule Prep (2018-08-19)
The cut edges of the capsule halves were a little off. The cut ends have to be flat for the end to end taped fit. It's a simple fix to sand off the rough cuts with 200 grit on a sanding block. Two ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: NARAM Egg Lofter Build, Part 3, Egg Capsule Prep (2018-08-20)
The supplied Kevlar line is laced through the drilled holes and securely tied. I used a square knot. The knot is inside the lower capsule half. The knot was "set" with a small drop of white glue. A ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: NARAM Egg Lofter Build, Part 4, Joining the Capsule (2018-08-21)
I also bought the foam egg protector from Apogee. I was surprised by how well it fit into the capsule halves. To be honest, I don't know much about NAR competitions. I figured I'll need every ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: NARAM Egg Lofter Build, Part 5, 18" Parachute Kit (2018-08-22)
I purchased some Hang Time "Over Easy" parachutes from ASP Rocketry. This parachute is designed for NAR Eggloft Competition so it is reinforced. The shroud lines run over and are taped to the top of ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: NARAM Egg Lofter Build, Part 6, ASP 18" Parachute Kit (2018-08-23)
The parachute is "spike folded" to find its center. Mark the center point with a Sharpie. The shroud lines are pre-cut. Even up the ends and fold at the center. Mark the center with a Sharpie. Set ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: NARAM Egg Lofter Build, Part 7, First Shroud Attempt (2018-08-24)
I went to the Payload Bay website to use the Transition Tool. I figured a long shroud would reduce drag. The problem is, with this long a shroud, how do ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: NARAM Egg Lofter Build, Part 8, Fin Airfoil Shaping (2018-08-25)
The fins were made using 1/32" thick plywood. I was able to cut them out with scissors, something you couldn't do with balsa. Mentioned in an earlier build, you can easily gauge the thickness by ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: NARAM Egg Lofter Build, Part 9, Smaller Shroud & Pop Lug (2018-08-25)
I realized there would be a problem with the long shroud. How can I make vent holes for the altimeter with the shroud in the way? While I would have liked the long shroud for less drag, I needed ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: NARAM Egg Lofter Build, Finished (2018-08-26)
I can hear the readers now: "Paint adds weight! Why are you painting a competition model?" It's just me, I like a smooth, colorful model. The glue fillets on the natural wood fins showed up on the ... [Read More]
Rocketeer's Corner: Oeuf and Ool (2019-06-22)
As I mentioned in my previous post, I have started designing and building my rockets for this year's Geezer TARC. The first of these, Oeuf (french for "egg"), is an Alpha-like model based on the ... [Read More]
Rocketeer's Corner: How much power do you really need? (2019-09-10)
The Geezer TARC flyoff is this weekend, and I am busy going over my final calculations before the event, making sure I have the proper descent rates with my chosen parachutes. I am also following a ... [Read More]
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