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Motors / Cesaroni / H255
Edible Rocket Launch- ginger bread fins & rice crispy treat airframe cti H-255 motor

This edible rocket made by Jeff Geraci was constructed of a rice crispy treat airframe over a 38mm MMT. Gingerbread fins were attached with royal icing fillets. Launch lugs were royal icing, and the nose cone was a real waffle cone reinforced with a layer of royal icing on the inside. A coupler was imbedded in the royal icing in the waffle cone to act as the shoulder. I tried to make licorice launch lugs, but they cracked when I dried them out. We were all very surprised that the rocket flew as well as it did, in spite of 15 mph+ winds! I spent 2 hours wandering the desert looking for it, only to return to the site and find that someone had turned it in!!! I took a bite, and it was still quite tastey, albeit very stale. Rice crispy treat material is VERY strong and easy to form, I highly recommend it.

Author launcheverything
Duration 88 seconds
Rating Best

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