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Rocketry Videos

Videos / Kits / Madcow / DX3-XL
DX3 XL High Power Rocket Test Flight 12-8-18 (2018-12-10)
Phil & Will Hodges flight-test a Level 3 build of a Madcow DX3-XL high power rocket on an Aerotech L1000 motor. Launched December 8, 2018 at Snow Ranch near Farmington, CA with the Livermore ... [View]
Madcow DX3 XL "Pathfinder" on CTI K780 (2020-06-07)
6 June 2020, Sierra Rocketry's monthly launch at Misfit Flats, Stagecoach, NV. Airframe has a 75mm motormount; I flew a CTI 54mm 5 grain K780 blue in a 6XL case with a 75-54mm Aeropack adapter. ... [View]
PBERN L3 Certification XPRS 2017 (2017-09-18)
Successful NAR L3 certification flight. Aerotech M1315W motor. Eggtimer TRS / Quark electronics. Started with a Madcow DX3 XL fiberglass kit, extended to 11' 4" in length. Flight to 14700 ft. [View]