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Rocketry Videos

Videos / Videos / Dumb Stuff
LEGO Boat Rocket: Failed (2008-05-06)
We built a LEGO Boat and strapped a rocket engine to it and lit it off. It failed but it was cool:) [View]
Multi Segment Model Rocket Engine Not Multistage Project Success! (Much like the shuttle) (2010-10-08)
This video only functions as a documentary of ideas that i try to realize. Like Myth Busters but not cool. This is dangerous and i don't suggest anyone try this. So don't come crying to me if you ... [View]
estes mean machine rocket disaster (0000-00-00)
k, the mean machine is just a problem all together, thats if it stays the 6ft tall. first we had a disaster when it didnt leave the launch rod, now the wind blows the rod while the rockets fuse was ... [View]
Model rocket and Barbie Rocket test flights (2017-01-31)
will barbie fly? Estes - Alpha III model rocket test flight, followed by a barbie with a rocket engine taped to her back. [View]