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Flight Log - 2015-07-18 - Richard Holmes's Deltie [RETIRED]
Flight Date: 2015-07-18
Rocket Name: Deltie [RETIRED]
Kit Name: Edmonds Aerospace - Deltie {Kit} (DELTIE)
Flyer's Name: Richard Holmes
Motors: A10-3
Launch Site: Syracuse Rocket Club (Weigand's Field)

I tried again. This time the glider and booster separated cleanly; I lost sight of the booster, though, as it fell into the tall vegetation. The glider went out and out, and I lost sight of it shortly after it passed by or maybe through a tree. I thought it’d gone in front of the tree, someone else thought it went behind. Either way, it was lost to sight at around treetop level and about 1:04 duration. It would’ve won the competition handily if found and brought back.

Instead, here’s what I found and brought back: Three pieces of crepe paper. Seriously. Heading out along the line on which my booster’d been seen, I found — separately, in the high clover — two crumpled pieces of red crepe paper, which was what I’d used for wadding. Then I met a girl coming back who told me she’d seen an orange streamer; I asked her to show me where, and she did. Indeed it was the Deltie’s orange (crepe paper again) streamer — or part of one — with no booster attached. Aside from the streamer, of course, the booster was unpainted brown, nearly an exact match for the vegetation I was wading through.

As for the glider, I don’t know. I’m guessing it got hung up in one of the trees, but I saw no sign of it. Rats! And Edmonds is out of production now. Though someone said to check jonrockets.com … Yes! They have Edmonds gliders! I may need several.

1Estes A10T-3


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