David Barber's Page

AKA: Astronot

Location: SouthWest Georgia

Certification Level: L1 NAR

Club Memberships: NAR,SoAR

Favorite Rockets: Big Bertha, Alpha & Alpha III, Saturn V, Saturn 1b, Gemini Titan, Mercury Redstone, Mercury Atlas, Jupiter C, V-2, Astrocam 110, Omega, Space Shuttle, Eliminator XL


I am a BAR.  I first got into model rocketry in 1982.  I used to fly my rockets at an unsued industrial park just a short walk from my home.  I flew rockets with a few of the local neighborhood kids.  I owned approx. 12 kits back then.  I am slowly rebuilding my original fleet through cloning or purchase of OOP kits.  I am also buying, cloning, and building kits that I wish I could have owned as a kid. I bought a built some rocket kits with my two boys in the late 90's but it never really took hold.  I bought an Estes V-2 kit back in 2000 from Hobby Lobby and never built it.  My two daughters ages 8 and 10 discovered it and kept after me to build it, plus they wanted some kits of their own.  In May of 2013 I bought some more kits, plus motors, we built but we couldn't find a decent place to fly, I also finally built my V-2 Rocket, by the way.  I looked online for places to fly rockets and discovered a semi-local club.  The girls and I joined, and we flew our rockets, and I don't know what happened, but I was hooked again, and I have been hooked ever since.  My oldest daughter is still pretty involved, and my youngest joins in when she feels like it.

I'm heavily involved in model rockets but also pretty involved in MPR and HPR.  I am currently Level 1 Certified as of 2-25-14.  I ceretified on NAR Level 1 with a Madcow Aerobee 150a on a CTI 110-14 motor. The rocket flew approx 2300 ft, and was recovered via parachute on a single deploy configuration.



Favorite Quote:

"Research is what I'm doing, when I don't know what I'm doing." - wernher von braun


Club Home Page: http://www.soarrocketry.org/

RocketReviews.com Pages:



Estes Rubicon


First Flight. This rocket is a beautiful rocket. I love the was it looks. It flies like a draggy rocket, but flies beautifully. Nice slow lift off like the Original Big Bertha. Nice straight boost, parachute recovery. One fin popped off on landing. - E12-4 - GRITS Winternationals in Nashville, GA [More]


Estes 1/20th scale V-2


This rocket is big but not really heavy. It flies great on E motors. It has flown 4 times. First time on a D motor and it suffered damage. Repaired body tube and it has been flying on E motors ever since. It has three perfect flights on E motors. - E12-4 - Nashville. GA Farm Field GRITS W ... [More]


Venus Probe


This rocket flies like a pig on C motors, so I up sized the power plant to a D motor. It flies great, gets good height to make you feel safe but still enjoy the show. This rocket flew three times, all with great recovery and no damage. - D12-3 - Nashville. GA Farm Field GRITS Winternationals [More]


Estes Skywinder


First Flight. This rocket flies great. Very interesting helicopter recovery that is always pleases. the crowd. Recovered very close to the launch pad with no damage. - C6-3 - Nashville. GA Farm Field GRITS Winternationals [More]


Estes Big Bertha 1970\'s clone (Red, Black, White)


This Big Bertha is an awesome flier. I built it with no rounded fins to make it a little draggy. This rocket really flies on a D motor. I was impressed. Recovered about a mile away with no damage. - D12-3 - Nashville. GA Farm Field GRITS Winternationals [More]


Estes Eliminator XL


First Flight. I have to admit. Sitting on the ground, this is not my favorite rocket. However. In the air, everything changes. You couldn\'t ask for a prettier, better flying rocket than the Eliminator XL. It has become a new favorite of mine. - E9-6, E12-4 - Nashville. GA Farm Field GRITS ... [More]


Semroc SLS Arcas


First Flight. This rocket is a dream. It flies beautifully. Nice straight boost, flies at about medium speed and coasts for a long time. The rocket flew twice that day and both flights were picture perfect. Rocket was recovered both times with no damage - Estes F15-8 BP - Nashville. GA Farm Field ... [More]


Estes Leviathan


First Flight. This rocket flew beautifully as well. Weather cocked a little after take off, but was a perfect flight. Recovered with no damage. - AT G64-10w - Nashville. GA Farm Field GRITS Winternationals [More]


Aerotech IQSY Tomahawk


First Flight. This rocket really flies. It out performed my HPR the Aerobee 150a that flew the same day. Flight was straight and beautiful. Recovered with no damage. I had to walk over a mile to get it back. - AT G64-10w - Nashville. GA Farm Field GRITS Winternationals [More]


Madcow Aerobee 150a


First Flight. NAR Level 1 Cert. flight. Single deploy Parachute recovery. Nice straight boost went just above the clouds, and came back to Earth beautifully. No damage. - H110-12 - Nashville. GA Farm Field GRITS Winternationals [More]


David Barber