2010-11-06 Flight 33 post-landing (2011-08-19)Parachute line tangle after landing of Thrud on Skyripper H155, Flight #33 CMASS launch, Amesbury MA See http://nerdfever.com/?page_id=695 for more info. [View]
2011-07-16 CMASS Aerotech G350 (2011-07-16)Howard Greenblatt's Black Brant on an Aerotech J350 [View]
2011-10 Glider Demo (2011-10-20)Demo of electronics installation and servo control (starting about 1/3 thru video) of rocket glider. Glider is intended as a test bed for a system that will recover a rocket after deployment of a ... [View]
2011-11-05 Autonomy Flight 3 (onboard camera).mp4 (2011-11-07)GPS-guided Rocket Recovery Project This is a GPS-guided model rocket recovery project. The idea is to have the the rocket fly itself back to the launch pad using a steerable parachute ... [View]