Dan Patell's Page

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Beautiful flight.  Rocket tilted 10 degrees into the wind and deployed perfectly at apogee.  The R7C main parachute dropped the rocket at approximately 24 fps.  The rocket landed in the field amongst the corn and was quickly located thanks to the Radio Shack personal alarm. - I180 - ... [More]



MAC Performance Rocketry 3" ARCAS


Nice boost followed by a perfect apogee deployment.  Rocket fell to 600' where the AltAcc2C deployed the Skyangle 36" main.  The rocket landed in a very tall, very dead tree.  The drogue shock cord draped across a V in the tree, thoroughly trapping the rocket.  After 1-2 hours ... [More]





LDRS 34.  Perfect boost after the motor was lit via three Pyrodex .50 cal pellets.  No burping or popping during boost.  Perfect deployment at apogee with significant spinning of the booster during descent (See onboard video).  Main deployment at 1,000' was successful with a ... [More]



MAC Performance Rocketry 3" ARCAS


Beautiful boost and coast.  Forgot to attach drogue cord to the altimeter bay eyebolt, therefore the rocket separated.  The upper section recovered nicely under the main, while the booster flat spun in.  Landed on a rock, slightly cracked the tube.  Will be repaired and will ... [More]


Bad Attitude


Very fast liftoff followed by a CATO.  Motor tried to eject, however the damaged 76mm AeroPack cap managed to stop it about halfway out.  That was the extent of the damage to the rocket, which will fly again with a new Aeropack cap. - EX K694 Plain Jane - Cobleskill, NY [More]



Intimidator 3


Beautiful flight with onboard video. - EX J385 Orange - Potter, NY [More]



Bad Attitude


Motor CATO'd at approximately 200 feet and ejected aft.  Rocket continued up to 1,000' where it successfully deployed all of its recovery devices.  Motor and Aeropack retainer not recovered. - EX M2400 Blue - Potter, NY [More]



Mongoose 54


Rocket took off at a bit of an angle.  Trajectory was a long arch, visible the entire way thanks to the long smoke charge.  Deployment appeared to be slightly early, where the Raven altimeter sensed that the rocket was still traveling at over 500 mph.  Booster separated when the ... [More]



Nike Smoke


Intended to light 2x G64W airstarts via the MW RRC3 Beta.  Rocket also had our original RRC2 onboard, which deployed the apogee charge too early.  Because of early deployment, airstart circuit intentionally broken.  No damage and perfect recovery following the early apogee ... [More]



Rocketry Warehouse Broken Arrow XP


Arching flight, ultimately landed 0.83 miles away.  54-2550 purple motor burned very well, nice color.  Rocket recovered after minimal searching after asking permission to enter field on foot.  Raven2 and MW RRC3 Beta performed perfectly. - EX K892 Purple - MDRA - Price, MD [More]



LOC/Precision Magnum (Kit)


( Contributed - by Dan Patell - 10/20/02) Brief: A large high-powered rocket that should be considered for a Level 2 certification flight. Modifications: Several minor changes were made and are described below. Construction: The rocket comes with: A plastic Nosecone, 2 thick ... [More]



Aerotech Barracuda (Kit)


A single-stage, E-G powered kit with parachute recovery. The kit included a nose cone, two 1.9" body tubes, a tube coupler, shock cord, three fins, two launch lugs and the whole motor mount system. The instructions were pretty easy to follow, as are the other Aerotech kits I have built ... [More]


Dan Patell