| AHPRA 2-Stage - LDRS 25 - High Power Rocket Flight (2011-05-29)      |
 | Black Dragon High Power Rocket Launch - Tripoli WinterNationals - Florida - HPR (2011-05-29)      The maiden launch of the Black Dragon at the WinterNational Launch in West Palm Beach Florida on February 18, 2008. The P-motor produced over 2400lbs of thrust to launch the vehicle to over 13000'.
 | CSXT First Civilian Rocket Launch to Space (2011-05-29)      Launched to 379900 feet (72 miles) on May 17, 2004 by the Civilian Space Exploration Team led by Ky Michaelson and Jerry Larson, and sponsored by GoFast Sports. The rocket was powered by a solid rocket motor built by Derek Deville (www.ddeville.com and Korey Kline. The motor produced a peak thrust of 16000 lbs accelerating the vehicle at 23 g's. At 10.5 seconds into the flight the vehicle was at about 40000 feet and traveling at 3420 mph (Mach 5) setting an amateur speed record. After motor burnout at 49000 feet the rocket continued to coast upwards for an amazing 330000 feet over 145 seconds before reaching apogee. All portions of the vehicle were recovered. More details at www.civilianspace.com
 | Curt Newport - LDRS 25 - High Power Rocket Launch (2011-05-29)      |
 | Environmental Aeroscience - 12 inch Nitrous Hybrid Rocket Motor - Hyperion II (2011-05-29)      The Hyperion II is designed as a 12" diameter sounding rocket capable of lofting a 100lb payload to an altitude of over 100 miles for use as a research or atmospheric target rocket. The hybrid propulsion system is a combination of a metalized solid fuel and self-pressurizing nitrous oxide. One of the key design elements is a restart capability. Six full-scale firings have been done to fully characterize the system. One of these tests demonstarted the use of an in flight thrust termination and restart capability. This is the final full-up firing that produced an average thrust of 5000 lbs for just over 34 seconds with a 98% fuel utilization.
 | Environmental Aeroscience - 12 inch Nitrous Hybrid Rocket Motor Restart (2011-09-20)      The Hyperion II is designed as a 12" diameter sounding rocket capable of lofting a 100lb payload to an altitude of over 100 miles for use as a research or atmospheric target rocket. The hybrid propulsion system is a combination of a metalized solid fuel and self-pressurizing nitrous oxide. One of the key design elements is a restart capability. Six full-scale firings have been done to fully characterize the system. This test demonstrates the use of an in flight thrust termination and restart capability. This was ground tested with a firing that lasted for 10 seconds, was shut down for 15 seconds, and finally burnt for an additional 5 seconds with no external ignition input. The delay can be set to any duration from 5 to 90 seconds. The final full-up firing produced an average thrust of 5000 lbs for just over 34 seconds with a 98% fuel utilization.
 | Environmental Aeroscience - 16 inch Nitrous Hybrid Rocket Motor (2011-09-20)      eAc fired a series of 16" Nitrous Hybrids in preparation for the development of the Scaled Composites SpaceShipOne propulsion system. This was the first firing of this scale of nitrous hybrid rocket motor. This firing produced approximately 15000 lbs of thrust and used a liquid cooled nozzle.
 | Environmental Aeroscience - 16 inch Nitrous Hybrid Rocket Motor #2 (2011-05-29)      eAc fired a series of 16" Nitrous Hybrids in preparation for the development of the Scaled Composites SpaceShipOne propulsion system. This was the second firing of this scale of nitrous hybrid rocket motor. This firing produced approximately 15000 lbs of thrust and used a liquid cooled nozzle.
 | Environmental Aeroscience - 19 inch Nitrous Hybrid Rocket Motor SS1 (2011-06-22)      This is a compilation of Nitrous Hybrid firings of the eAc propulsion development for SpaceShipOne.
 | Environmental Aeroscience - 6 inch Nitrous Hybrid Composite Nozzle Rocket (2011-05-29)      eAc developmental firing of composite nozzle.
 | Environmental Aeroscience - Aerospike Nozzle Solid Rocket Motor Static Firing (2011-09-20)      eAc (Environmental Aeroscience Corp) developed and fired the first solid propellant Aerospike motor in 2003. Aerospike nozzles are designed to be altitude compensating and self adjust the expansion ratio making them extremely useful for ground-launched sounding rockets. This feature is specifically useful for long burn hybrid rocket applications. Several design verification tests firings using short burn solid propellants, with the goal of applying the technology to the long burn Hybrid motors.
 | Environmental Aeroscience - LOX Hybrid w/ Multi Layer Fuel Grain (2011-05-29)      eAc tested a thrust tailoring system that allows for mixing of different fuel types within the same hybrid grain. The layers shown here contain high and low levels of metals which is evidenced in the exhaust plume. At the end of the firing carbon dioxide is passed through the grain to rapidly stop combustion for post firing analysis.
 | Event Horizon - LDRS 25- High Power Rocket Launch (2011-05-29)      Art Hoag and company launch a very large rocket on a cluster of 3 Animal Motor Works N-4000 Blue Baboon rocket motors at Tripoli Rocketry Associations national LDRS launch.
 | Freedom 'Phiter (fighter) Flag Rocket - High Power Rocket - LDRS 19 (2011-09-28)      Flight of the Freedom 'Phiter at LDRS 19 in South Carolina on three M-3200 Kosdon rocket motors.
 | Hillbilly - LDRS 26 - High Power Rocket Launch (2011-05-29)      |
 | LDRS 25 - Jerry O'Sullivan's Sandhawk Asp-Brant O-motor (2011-05-29)      Jerry O'Sullivan created a great rocket and motor for this spectacular flight at the LDRS 25 national launch of the Tripoli Rockety Association.
 | LDRS 25 - Phoenix XL Q-13000 - High Power Rocket Launch (2011-06-27)      Sterling Edmunds Q powered rocket has a perfect flight in Amarillo Texas. Pumping out 3000lbs of thrust this rocket jumps off the pad and goes mach 2.
 | LDRS 27 Pershing Q-motor Flight - High Power Rocket Launch (2011-05-29)      |
 | LDRS25 - Montage of High Power Rocket launches (2011-05-29)      Tripoli Rocketry Association's annual Large and Dangerous Rocket Ship (LDRS) Launch.
 | Ozone O-motor High Power Rocket Flight and Green Flame P-motor Static Firing (2011-06-25)      Third flight of the Ozone on a home made O-motor (about 40000 N-sec) and a static firing of an experimental green flame propellant I was working on. This took place at the Tripoli South Florida rocket field in Homestead Florida
 | Qu8k - BALLS 20 - Carmack Prize Attempt - High Altitude Rocket On-board Video (2011-10-08)      |
 | Qu8k - MultiCam On-board Video - High Altitude Rocket Launch (2011-12-07)      Showing the views from a FlipHD and a GoPro side by side you get a first hand view of what it is like to fly to 121000 feet. These cameras flew on September 30, 2011 at 11:08am on Derek Deville's Qu8k (pronounced "Quake") launched from the Black Rock Desert in Nevada before returning safely to earth. A plastic cover that was protecting the protruding portion of the GoPro began to melt due to aerodynamic heating and can be seen as streaks passing by the lens. A small bit of this molten plastic re-solidifies over a portion of the lens. Being above 99% of the atmosphere, the sky turns black in the middle of the day and the curvature of the earth is clearly visible. The rocket motor produced 4000 lbs of thrust for 8 seconds accelerating the vehicle to over Mach 3. Full Length Video: www.youtube.com More Pictures and Info -- ddeville.com Sponsors: www.mayback.com www.syntheon.com Learn more about the hobby of High Power Rocketry: www.tripoli.org Cosmic Ray Project: symbiosis-foundation.org
 | Qu8k Rocket Launch Highlights - On-board GoPro HD at 22+ miles above earth (2011-12-07)      On September 30, 2011 at 11:08am, Derek Deville's Qu8k (pronounced "Quake") launched from the Black Rock Desert in Nevada to an altitude of 121000' before returning safely to earth. Above 99% of the atmosphere, the sky turns black in the middle of the day and the curvature of the earth is clearly visible. The rocket motor produced 4000 lbs of thrust for 8 seconds accelerating the vehicle to over Mach 3 at over 10000'. After that, momentum carried the rocket skyward for another 84 seconds to a peak altitude of 121000'. Full Length Video: www.youtube.com More Pictures and Info -- ddeville.com Sponsors: www.mayback.com www.syntheon.com Learn more about the hobby of High Power Rocketry: www.tripoli.org Cosmic Ray Project: symbiosis-foundation.org
 | Talon - LDRS 26 - High Power Rocket Launch (2011-05-29)      |
 | Woody Hoburg's Flag Rocket N-motor Cluster - LDRS 25 - High Power Rocket (2011-05-29)      |