High Power Rocketry Posts
Sport Rocketry / Projects / CSXT
CSXT Space Flight (2005-11-02)On may 17th of last year, the Civilian Space eXploration Team sent the first amateur rocket into space. After nearly 10 years of attempts, they finally made it. The rocket, an S motor, hit a maximum ... [Read More]
CSXT makes another space shot, this time with footage! (2014-08-18)See the really great footage of space as well as some nice use of a yo-yo despin mechanism and possibly the moon? [Read More]
O to N two stage flight (2008-05-28)This rocket is one of the largest two stage amateur flights to date. Compare this to project tupelo, the two stage shadow aero kit (shock X2), and mostly to the project thunderbolt that used similar ... [Read More]
P to N flight (2009-02-03)You may recall that I recently posted about an O to N flight to about 50,000 feet. Here is the previous post. Well the same rocket (or slightly modified perhaps) flew on a P motor staged to an N ... [Read More]
Tempest sounding rocket (2009-10-14)During the CATS prize, I had been following all of the teams and just hoping one would eventually make it to space with the metal slug, required payload for the prize. No team made it (the CSXT was ... [Read More]