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Sport Rocketry / Rocketry Products / Odd'l Rockets / Kits / Corkscrew

     Rocketry Product: Odd'l Rockets - Corkscrew {Kit}

    Model Rocket Building: LAUNCH! Scoolyard, April 20, 2011 (2011-04-21)
    It's a little before 8:00 a.m. and already HOT! No breeze at ground level yet. To test the system the MMX ZOOM BROOM was up first. Vertical boost and nose blow recovery. There was a little drift, ... [Read More]

    Model Rocket Building: My Rocketry Favorites (2016-05-14)
    If I could only have five rockets in my fleet (today), they would be -  Dr. Zooch Saturn V - My favorite (manageable sized) scale model. Sirius Rocketry Interogator - A truly beautiful ... [Read More]

    Model Rocket Building: Apogee Peak Of Flight Article Newsletter #306 (2012-02-15)
    My third article for the Apogee Peak Of Flight newsletter was published yesterday. You can see it HERE This article explains how to create that sharp paint line around the perimeter of a nose cone. ... [Read More]