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Rocketry Videos

Videos / Kits / Estes / Comanche 3

 Rocketry Product: Estes - Comanche 3 {Kit} (7245) [2016-Current]

Comanche 3 Model Rocket. (2013-06-09)
Justin Stotter's scratch-built upscale Comanche 3 model rocket. It flies with three stages with an F39/4 staging to a D12/3 staging to a E9/6. Flight occurred at Horning's Alfalfa Field near ... [View]
Comanche 3 Upscale 2.5" Onboard (2019-08-07)
Comanche 3 upscale onboard video. Flown 8/2/2019 at NARAM 61 sport range. Academy of Model Aeronautics site. Motors: Aerotech H123 to CTI G68 to CTI G68. [View]
Three stage upscale Comanche 3 (2018-10-21)
3 stage Comanche 3 at 10-21-18 Birch run [View]