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Sport Rocketry / Rocketry Products / Jolly Logic / Components / Chute Release

    Rocket Dungeon: My Jolly Logic Chute Release issues (2017-11-02)
    I have been pondering the last NARHAMS launch, specifically the flight that ended up in the trees. I decided to summarize all my JLCR issues so far. If for no other reason to reinforce what ... [Read More]

    Rocketeer's Corner: A short Saturday launch... (2017-11-25)
    It's been over a month since I last launched a rocket - Work and travel have kept me busy and away from Pegasus field on the weekends. However, Duane and I decided that enough was enough and that we ... [Read More]

    Odd'l Rockets: Odd'l Parachute on TRF (2015-10-14)
    From the Rocketry Forum: Bernard Cawley was testing a prototype of the new Jolly Logic Chute Release. Something in the last posted picture looked familiar. His Big Bertha was recovered using a 15" ... [Read More]

    Rocketeer's Corner: Finally flying after a hiatus of a couple of months... (2016-01-30)
    It would seem that no matter how much I try to practice moderation in my hobby, I end up burning out. I pretty much stopped doing rocketry-related things around Thanksgiving, and am just now reviving ... [Read More]

    Rocketeer's Corner: The rocket's perspective... (2016-01-30)
    Rocket videos go by so fast in real time; it takes stepping through frame by frame to uncover the neat stuff. I really liked the onboard video from today's RX-16 flight - the colors reminded me of ... [Read More]

    Rich's Rockets: Let’s be jolly (2016-05-29)
    I heard about the Jolly Logic Chute Release before it was, um, released, and when it was I was taken a bit aback by one thing: the price. It was well above what I’d guessed it would be. My ... [Read More]

    Rocketeer's Corner: The season begins at Pegasus... (2017-09-12)
    My Estes Alpha streaks skyward on an A8-3 (click to enlarge). My apologies for no blog posts over the past couple of months - it's been a busy summer, and I haven't found much time to write. Things ... [Read More]

    Rocketeer's Corner: New stuff... (2020-07-22)
    There have been a few recent releases by the kit manufacturers, some of which are very cool. First up is an awesome release from Estes - the Destination Mars Longship . It has a futuristic style, ... [Read More]

    Rocketeer's Corner: The one where nothing goes right... (2020-11-23)
    My LGM lies on the ground after its fall (Click to enlarge). Yesterday was a very nice day, perfect rocket flying weather - clear sky, no wind, and an afternoon high of 70 degrees. So Duane and I ... [Read More]

    Greg Smith's Blog: Holtville June 5, 2021 (2021-06-06)
    It's been 15 months since my last launch... but that pandemic pause ended today.   I drove out to Holtville and experienced a rather extreme temperature gradient in moving from coast to the ... [Read More]