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Flight Log - 2022-10-22 - Chris Gonnerman's Skylark

This is a personal design of mine.  I was trying for a larger-diameter rocket in the general style of the Blue Bird Zero, i.e. long and sleek with relatively small fins.  The upper fins are mirror images top-to-bottom of the lower fins.  OpenRocket indicates nearly perfect deployments with all four recommended engines, and I can attest that it is a pretty flier on a pair of C6-5 engines.

Flight Date: 2022-10-22
Rocket Name: Skylark
Flyer's Name: Chris Gonnerman
Motors: 2xB6-4
Launch Site: FSR Hocus Pocus Launch

The cluster ignited perfectly and the rocket recovered inside the field.

12 x Estes B6-4


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