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Sport Rocketry / Launches / Launch Photos, Videos, and Reports / Certification Flights

    Rich's Rockets: Pics and it did happen (2015-06-21)
    Fellow SRC member Scott Sellers did get pictures of my certification flight and you can see them on the SRC web site. Poke the thumbnails to find img_3989.jpg and img_3997.jpg through img_4003.jpg. ... [Read More]

    Rocket N00b: Level 1 Certification - Rocket Prep (2016-09-18)
    I did it! I got my Level 1 high power rocketry certification! This means that I can now purchase and fly H and I impulse rocket motors! Yesterday's 14th Annual FlisKits Anniversary Launch in ... [Read More]

    Rocket N00b: HPR Level 1 Certification Video (2016-09-22)
    The launch video of my successful high power rocketry Level 1 certification attempt is now on YouTube. The rocket gets pretty tiny when it gets up there, so this is best viewed in full screen mode. ... [Read More]

    Rocket N00b: Nike Smoke Videos (2016-10-18)
    I fought off a cold last week, and then on Saturday I had a big launch to attend, so I took some time off from building and #Rocketober posting. But I've finished a couple videos in the mean ... [Read More]

    Shroudlines: Level One- Success! ...and Failure... (2018-11-19)
    As some of you may recall, last October I attempted to get my level one with my home-brew Star Trek Starter Kit upscale rocket. Actually, I tried twice...and crashed twice. The first I write off to ... [Read More]

    Improbable Ventures: High Power Rocketry: NAR Level 1 Certification Flight (2020-06-24)
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    Improbable Ventures: High Power Rocketry: NAR Level 2 Certification Flight (2020-07-10)
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    Improbable Ventures: Video: L3 cert flight attempt #1 (2020-11-21)
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    Improbable Ventures: Video: L3 cert flight attempt #2 (2020-12-03)
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    Improbable Ventures: Video: High Power Rocketry NAR level 2 cert flight – slow motion (2020-12-27)
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    Greg Smith's Blog: Some introductory stuff for those who love homework... (2008-04-03)
    Rocket motor power designations allowed in California range from 1/4A through M with an 'A' motor yielding a maximum of 2.5 N•s of total impulse (the area under the thrust/time curve). Each ... [Read More]

    DTH Rocket Blog: Tripoli Minnesota July Launch was AWESOME! (2010-07-11)
    It was a great launch: nice weather, several level 3 certification flights (I think 6), a big turnout, no major disasters, you couldn't ask for anything more! Well, you could, but it wouldn't help. ... [Read More]

    High Power Rocketry: N 10,000 videos (2010-11-11)
    "Greg launches 4 inch dia. carbon fiber rocket using Cesaroni N10000 V-Max 98mm motor. (Mach 1 at 700 feet and Mach 2 around 1100 AGL)" "Jack Garibaldi and James Dougherty duke it out at ... [Read More]

    AKS Rockets: Level one Cert (2010-12-12)
    Simon and I found out that we could get a license to fly on H and I engines. This wound Quadruple the amount of power we could put in a rocket. To get a license the hardest part is the certification ... [Read More]

    AKS Rockets: HELLFIRE 16 (2011-09-11)
    Hellfire 16 was great. We headed up at about 7 am and got there about 10am on friday. Friday morning was quiet with the largest motor being an N. I was LCO for a while before I was kicked off ... [Read More]

    High Power Rocketry: Formula 75 rocket kit has arrived (2012-02-05)
    This kit will be my level 2 certification rocket. The Formula 75 is about 75mm x 48 inches with a 38mm motor mount. It is all fiberglass, including the highly impressive nosecone (more on that in a ... [Read More]

    Rocket Dungeon: Links roundup (2012-05-08)
    SugarShot2Space's DoubleSShot static test motor CATOs - 85lbs of propellant in a 6" case. Long but interesting. High speed video starts 5 minutes in. Briefs: X-37B update; Blue Origin & ... [Read More]

    High Power Rocketry: CTI Pro54 Skidmark Flight On-Board (2012-05-29)
    "On board footage from a post Level 2 certification flight, dual deployment 4X88" Quantum airframe on a CTI pro54 6G k motor. Top speed was 841kph. 808 Keychain camera."  What is up with that ... [Read More]

    Rocket N00b: My First Club Launch (2015-10-01)
    The FlisKits 13th Anniversary/Bill Spadafora Memorial launch with CMASS in Amesbury, Massachusetts last Saturday was awesome . Seen above is the CMASS club flag, featuring a minuteman holding a ... [Read More]

    Rocket N00b: Astron Sprint XL (Clone) - Finished! (2016-03-19)
    I'm taking a break from my series on repairs, simulations, etc. - all the good stuff I got from the failed flight of the Quest Magnum Sport Loader - to show off my new rocket. After months of working ... [Read More]

    Rocket N00b: Current Projects #2 (2016-08-19)
    I haven't posted anything on this blog in about two weeks. Apologies to my regular readers, particularly if you've been waiting for the most recent installment of the Rocket Camp series of posts. I ... [Read More]

    Improbable Ventures: High Power Rocketry: NAR Level 2 Certification Flight (2020-07-10)
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    Improbable Ventures: High Power Rocketry: L2 Certification Flight (2020-07-22)
    Officially level 2 certified! Fulfilling a 2020 goal I really started getting into rocketry last fall, less than a year ago, and I had set some goals for 2020 when the year began. My goals included ... [Read More]

    Rocketeer's Corner: A perfect day for flying... (2020-11-15)
    Flyers begin to assemble for the pre-launch briefing (Click to enlarge). Yesterday HARA had its first launch of the 2020-2021 season - the skies were clear and blue, the winds relatively tame and ... [Read More]

    Rocket N00b: Many Pictures, Few Words - My 2020 In Rocketry (2020-12-22)
      The moment you realize you're not going to find the rocket you lost sight of over the tree line... Start the post with an obvious fact you have to mention because it would be weird not to, ... [Read More]

    Rocket N00b: Where to Buy Model Rockets and Rocket Supplies (2022-04-07)
      Someone on the Facebook group Estes Model Rockets posed a question recently: Other than Amazon, where is everyone buying Estes rockets? I don't have a good hobby store near me. I see ... [Read More]