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Rocketry Videos

Videos / Kits / Estes / Centuri

 Rocketry Product: Estes - Centuri {Kit} (003232) [2012-]

C5-3 rockets: Centuri, Patriot, Nike Smoke, Low-boom SST, Interceptor, plus Nike-x, Vipox, and Lynx (2020-07-18)
Another mild wind day before the trades pick up again. We started at the soccer park but it closed so we relocated to a nearby park. The difference being a watery canal about 150 past a hungry line ... [View]
Estes Model Rocket Flights Including a D12-3 CATO (2020-01-06)
Description: Launch of Estes Crossfire, Amazon, Patriot, Centuri, and Mean Machine. The Mean Machine suffered a CATO when the D12-3 exploded at launch. [View]