Rocketry Product: Estes - C6 Single-Use Motor {Motor}
18mm Art Applewhite Saucer (2008-05-09)18mm Art Applewhite saucer on an Estes C6. [View]
Cadet Johnson's Big Rocket (2009-09-08)One of my proteges--C/Captain Johnny Johnson of the Sanilac Composite Squadron (Michigan Wing--Civil Air Patrol) launches his mailing tube rocket for the first time on a cluster of four C6-3 motors ... [View]
Camera Rocket - 1st Flight - Onboard Video (2009-12-07)1st Flight of Camera Rocket Onboard Video - Taken with "Gum stick" camera mounted in the forward payload bay. Flight on an Estes C6-5 motor. [View]
Centuri Saturn - V Model Rocket Launch (2008-11-19)Launched 11-8-08 at the Challenger 498 club launch in Needville, TX. Used a cluster of three C6-3's. Video shot by S. Stephenson (turned camera 90 degrees during filming, which explains why the ... [View]
Cineroc Video/Model Rocket Launch @ JSC (2008-11-19)Short clip of my Cineroc 8 mm flight @ JSC June 5, 2004. Model was my Proton/ Saturn - IV using a single D12-0 for the booster with a D12-7 & three C6-7 clustered upperstage. [View]
Longshot 2-stage model rocket on-board video (2010-03-28)Onboard video from a 2-stage Estes Longshot model rocket flying on D12-0 to C6-7 motors. [View]
On Board Rocket Video of Launch in Pueblo Colorado (2011-02-07)On board rocket video from an Estes Blue Ninja on a D12-5 and an Estes Big Bertha with a C6-3 motors. Launch site was near Pueblo Colorado on the Hudson Ranch. [View]
Scratch-built 2.6x Upscale Estes C6-5 motor rocket (2009-03-09)Scratch-built 2.6x Upscale Estes C6-5 motor rocket. Launched on an Estes C6-5 motor. [View]
Modellrakete mit Onboard-Kamera / Raketenflugzeug SR-71 Blackbird (2010-01-04)Start einer Modellrakete (Quest; Motor D7-3) mit Onboard-Kamera (Somikon) im Januar 2010 bei Pasing / München; 02:25 erster Start des Raketenflugzeug-Modells SR-71 Blackbird (Estes; Motor ... [View]
Dusk Rocket Launch (2007-09-17)Visible flame from an Estes Big Bertha with a C6-5 engine. The paint scheme is a loose homage to the Apollo Saturn 1B. [View]
Estes Big Bertha model rocket launch (2007-05-27)Estes Big Bertha launches on a C6-5. [View]
Model Rocket Launch Slow Motion 3-Rockets (2012-03-26)Three model rocket launches. Each is shown as recorded at 240 fps, and then again slowed down with video editing software. Enjoy. Estes Hornet on a C6-3 Estes Phoenix Bird on a C6-3 Quest Viper on a ... [View]
Parallel Staged rocket - onboard video (2007-09-04)PCR rocket, parallel staged. D12-7, 2 C6-0s, boostervision camera. Ground video, onboard video, onboard at 25% speed. The design for this rocket is described in this link. http://www.rocket ... [View]
Estes Echostar 2 stage model rocket launch (2006-11-22)Launch of Estes Echostar with a C6-0 booster & B6-4 sustainer. [View]
Hammerhead and Prangle's Drag Race, Onboard! (2009-09-07)Small Spy Camera launched in the Hammerhead, a rocket I designed souly for this camera. The Camera weighs less than 3/4 of an ounce, allowing it to be launched by even a C6 motor. This launch was on ... [View]
Hron: Legacy Model Rocket Launch - Onboard Camera (2011-04-02)April 2, 2011 Bratislava - Vajnory launch Engine - Estes C-63 Flight - Nominal [View]
"Electric Shadow" on F32-6T and (2) C6's with Dual Deployment (2012-12-03)My cluster, dual deploy, on-board video capable Estes Shadow, "The Electric Shadow," flying in a cluster of (1) AeroTech F32-6T and (2) Estes C6's with dual deployment. It was supposed to have a ... [View]
Big Bertha Rocket Cam (2011-09-04)Model rocket with onboard camera. Sod Farm in New Berlin Wisconsin. Woosh Rocketry Club. September 3, 2011. [View]
C6-3 Astroid Hunter (2012-04-11)My beautifully finished Estes Asteroid Hunter takes off with an Estes C6-3 motor. I replaced its dual 12" parachutes with a single 18" parachute. [View]
Cineroc Clone 10.10.10.wmv (2010-10-20)Gum Cam footage from a cloned Omega/Cineroc. Flight done at Foosefest with a D12-0 to a C6-5 [View]
Dr Zooch shuttle "Columbia" May 18 (2009-05-19)Launch of Dr. Zooch Return to Flight Space Shuttle, using an Estes C6-3 motor. This was a spectacular flight of self-built orbiter "Columbia" . The orbiter glided straight as an arrow to a landing ... [View]
Estes Gemini DC on C6-5 (2011-08-15)Exciting flight of an old Gemini DC middle school project rocket with a suspenseful parachute deployment. [View]
Estes model rocket crash (2013-06-25)We are flying the cheap Estes helicopter nose cone rocket on a c6-5 engine. Things didn't end up to well. [View]
Estes SNITCH Flying Saucer Rocket - CRMRC (2010-12-19)Here is my Estes Snitch flying on a C6-5 motor at the monthly launch of the Champlain Region Model Rocket Club - CRMRC. June 12, 2010 St. Albans Vermont. [View]
flash.MOV (2011-01-23)Launching rockets on Treasure Island, San Francisco. This is my old Estes Flash on a C6-5. No parachute, just tumble recovery. [View]
Hi-Flier Catastrophe.wmv (2010-08-07)rocket possibly over powered [View]
Larry's UFO 1-21-2012 (2012-01-23)As unique as the man who created it.... Larry Koskie's UFO is a sight to behold. Where else could you find a bicycle rim, a lamp base, a Datsun solenoid and misc parts from rocketeers' menagerie ... [View]
Launch Of Delta #10 Model Rocket - May 29, 2004 (2008-02-17)Short video of launch of our semi-scale Delta #10 from our primary East Tennessee launch site, "Cape Clinch." Power was 2 x D12 (Delta "core") and 2 x C6 ("strap-on" boosters"). Rocket reached ... [View]
Mini Omega - First Flight (2010-09-22)First flight of my mini Omega (from Semroc) carrying a micro video camera. This is slightly smaller scale replica of the 1970 Estes rocket kit that carried an 8-mm movie camera in the nosecone. [View]
Model Rockets-Dr Zooch Space Shuttle, Saturn 1B, and Odd'l Cyclone (2013-08-13)The Dr Zooch space shuttle had a much better launch on a C6-3 than on a B6-4. On a C6-5 the ejection happened too late and the rocket broke apart. The Odd'l Rockets Cyclone rocket mapleseed worked ... [View]
MVI_1667.MOV (2010-02-14)Estes Cosmic Cobra. Parachute and helicopter recovery. C6-5 motor. LUNAR launch at Snow Ranch, 021310. [View]
Onboard Estes Monarch Rocket - Flight 5 (2011-01-27)Estes Monarch rocket flying on an Estes C6-3 at the LUNAR launch at NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, on January 22, 2011. [View]
Rocket Launching at Moffett Field (2012-02-19)Launching an Estes Big Daddy on an E engine, and an Estes Patriot on a C6 engine, at Moffett Field (hosted by Lunar) on Feb 18, 2012 with the Las Lomitas Rocket Club. [View]
(0000-00-00)Launch and crash of an original ESTES X-Wing fighter. [View]
04 Cineroc edited slow motion launch (2020-05-26)Min-Cineroc launched on a C.6-5. This video is a slow motion replay of the launch only. [View]
06 Cineroc edited (2020-06-04)Mini Cineroc launched at Cambridge Rocket Club launch on May 31, 2020. Rocket powered by C.6-5 model rocket engine. This is posted in actual speed. [View]
16 ENGINES Multi-Cluster ROCKET With Onboard Camera (2015-10-01)I would say this rocket was 90% successful, the last cluster did not ignite correctly (that is why it spiraled). It is a 4x4 multi-cluster rocket. x8 D12-0's and x8 C6-0's!!! [View]
ALPHA Rocket 3 Launch (with On Board camera) (2019-08-24)ALPHA III Rocket Starter Kit C6-5 Rocket Motor Velcro On Micro Camera Model Rocket Drone Cam Parachute GoPro SQ11 Mini DV Camera [View]
astrocam c6 5 (2020-08-09)A flight of the new Estes Astrocam, powered by a C6-5 motor, at the August 2020 launch of Southern Area Rocketry at Mill Springs Academy, Alpharetta, GA [View]
Astrocam C6-7 Rocket Launch (2021-06-01)Ground view to accompany Astrocam video. Launch to parachute deployment. [View]
Astrocam flight 9 - Estes C6-5 (2020-08-11)Ninth flight on my Astrocam. Powered by an Estes C6-5. This flight went pretty much all as it should. Flown at Sixty Acres Park, Redmond, WA from the north field on August 7th, 2020. Data for ... [View]
c6-5 rocket test estes (2013-07-28)Testing rocket prior to real launch [View]
Centuri Skylab (2010-05-24)Graves Campground C6-3 Key Chain cam [View]
cinerock wizard 5 2 15 (2015-05-04)Prototype/custom Estes wizard with an SD video CMOS camera modded to replicate a Cineroc module. Launched on a C6-7 motor the eject failed and went off immediately. This is the only launch of this ... [View]
Dr. Rockzo Rocket (2011-09-06)Dr. Rockzo themed Sunward Eruption on 4 x C6-5s. Freedom Launch 2011, Orangeburg, SC. [View]
Estes Alpha 3 Model Rocket Launch (C6-5 engine, 1,150 feet) (2016-03-27)The kids doing their first serious model rocket launch. Used an Estes Alpha III with a C-class engine rated for 1,150 feet, It sure appeared to reach that! [View]
Estes Astrocam 110 - Launch & Flight (2008-03-27)Estes Camera Rocket launching with perfect fly and point of landing. Engine : Estes C6-7 [View]
Estes Baby Bertha and Majestic (2019-01-06)Another fun day flying some rockets, no drone today because the rain was starting to fall. Rockets were a Baby Bertha on B6-4, C6-5 and Majestic on E16-6 #modelrocket #modelrocketry #rocketry ... [View]
Estes Hi-Flier (1300ft flied) (2012-06-30)This is Estes Hi-Flier model rocket flied 1300ft in the air and successfuly recoverd. Motor: Homemade C6-5. [View]
Estes Hi-Flier Launch #3 on C6-5 Engine (2010-08-26)Estes Hi-Flier Launch #3 on C6-5 Engine [View]
Estes Hi-Flier Launch on C6-7 Engine #1 (2010-08-23)Estes Hi-Flier Launch on C6-7 Engine #1 [View]
Estes Mercury Redstone (2012-02-07)Estes Mercury Redstone with C-6-5 motor [View]
Estes Mercury Redstone 4/Liberty Bell 7 (2020-07-23)Rocket Club X-1017. Maiden flight, C6-3, 218’. [View]
Estes Model Rocket: Hi Flier - C6-7 Engine Launch - Maxed out! (2016-04-20)The Estes model rocket: Hi Flier- Very fast & high flying rocket - a dart! [View]
Estes Mongoose Model Rocket w/Onboard Camera (2020-08-30)Estes Mongoose single stage, onboard camera is the new estes astrocam from the Target Kit. BP C6-7 motor, w/Estes Altimeter. Apogee 508', safe recovery. It was a little windy but with the rocket ... [View]
Estes Saturn V Rocket with Onboard Camera (2020-08-13)Flying Estes Saturn V rocket on a C6-3. Using 808 keychain camera. [View]
Estes SR-71: The First (and Last) Launch 2017 (2017-09-09)This is why rockets aren't shaped like planes... Estes SR-71 on a C6-5 at RIMRA's Septermber 2017 launch [View]
FlisKit Tres, November 18, 2018 at SOJARS, 2 views (2018-11-19)FlisKit Tres on three Estes C6-5 at SOJARS, Nov 18, 2018. This is a three engine canted cluster. Slow motion liftoff in two views. [View]
Glider-C6-5 (2020-08-08)A very long glider flight that ended up in the young soy field at Bridgeton Area Rocket Club on July 18 2020 [View]
January Launch #3 (2015-01-25)Estes Heat Seeker. Flew on a C 6-3. Total flight time just over a minute. Good first launch for Kiddo's Christmas Rocket. [View]
Jolly Logic Chute Release: The Best Thing to Happen to Model Rocketry! (2016-12-09)The Jolly Logic Chute Release is probably one of the best things to ever happen to model rocketry! It gives you simple, easy to use dual deployment that can be flown on anything from an Estes B all ... [View]
Lang Rocketry Association Rocket Launch 2012 (2013-04-22)This Video features the launch during thanksgiving of last year. Names are included with the rocket motor used. Videos are recorded by my dad's work iPad. The Launch venue: Lionville Youth ... [View]
Little Joe II (2011-06-03)Scale model, Apollo Little Joe II [View]
Little Spool Rocket on Estes C6-0 (2017-02-27)Little Spool Rocket on C6-0 at SARG Launch February 2017 [View]
Model Rocket - My homemade version of Mercury Atlas (2012-04-20)My new homemade model rocket I build from the estes designer's parts assort. This is a re upload because of copyright on the last on. [View]
model rocket launch (2008-03-30)This was my first trial run for a cluster launch. Launch was with two engines in each rocket, a total or four engines. Engines were C6-7 Estes Engine. One of them I built, the other I purchased from ... [View]
Model rocket launch #estes rocket #javalin (2019-10-07)Launch of estes model rocket with C6-5 engine [View]
Model Rocket Series Bonus Episode! (2014-02-22)A Bounus Episode! The weather presented an opportunity to get out there and launch our C6-5 powered rockets. First up an Alpha III followed by my Metalizer and finally the missus Super Alpha (now ... [View]
Model Rocket with Camera (2012-07-18)My slightly adapted AstroCam model rocket with an MD90 mini DV camera attached. The engine is an Estes C6-3 and the entire take-off weight was about 120g I think it reached just about 105 m in ... [View]
Model Rocketry Log 09 10 2016 (2016-09-12)Model rocketry at Bong Recreational Area, Burlington, Wisconsin. [View]
North Coast Rocketry Cluster Duck, 3-17-19 at SoJARS. SEVEN ENGINE CLUSTER!! (2019-03-17)North Coast Rocketry Cluster Duck on (6) C6 and (1) D12-7 Estes motors at SoJARS, 3-17-19. All 7 motors lit. Chute release at 400 feet. It was a windy day, and a long walk to recover the rocket ... [View]
Orbital Transport 1 C6 3 Alt 270 feet slow (2016-04-21)Orbital Transport 1 C6 3 Alt 270 feet Video from glider's point of view - in slow motion [View]
Perfect Estes Model Rocket Launch with Drone! (2020-05-11)Estes Bull Pup "BOBO" on a C6-5. Near perfect launch. The rocket landed about 41 feet away from the launch pad! The parachute didn't quite open but that helped it drift a little less and was still ... [View]
RB's RC's: Trident cluster rocket (2019-02-25)I wasn't too sure about a cluster rocket but this was a very cool build and is very exciting to watch in action. This video includes build pictures, close-up go pro footage of the launch and drone ... [View]
Rocket Launch 2 (C6-5) with Hotwheels Video Racer (2012-01-29)Our second launch with a camera attached to a rocket. It flew towards tennis courts, but the wind blew the rocket back towards us, eventually landing in the basketball courts. Motor: C6-5. Camera: ... [View]
Semroc Saturn 1B 10-13-19 at MDRA (2019-10-13)Semroc Saturn 1B on (4) C6-3 motors on 10-13-19 at MDRA Central Sod Farm. This is a clone of the orginal Estes model. The flight was flawless and the rocket recovered without issue, however the ... [View]
SEVEN (7) Engine Cluster!! North Coast Rocketry Cluster Duck, December 9, 2018 at CENJARS (2018-12-10)North Coast Rocketry Cluster Duck on (6) Estes C6-3 and (1) Estes C11-7 at CENJARS, Dec 9, 2018. Chute release at 500 feet. [View]
Six Engine cluster Rocket (2017-12-09)Three plugged D Estes engines with three C6-7. This was the tenth launch of this rocket I built in 07. [View]
Solo Cup model rocket (2014-05-08)This is my scratch built solo cup rocket launching on a Estes C6-0.Its 34.5 inches tall and has solo cup fins, I cut the tops out of them to act like tube fins. It went maybe 100ft and it's tumble ... [View]
Spain Rocket Quest motor C6-3 (2009-12-20)primer lanzamiento con motores combustible solido [View]
Spare Parts-C6-5 (2020-08-08)Our launch day started off with a modest flight of a rocket made out of spare parts flying on a C6-5 at Bridgeton Area Rocket Club on July 18 2020 [View]
TESTING ESTES "TIGRES" MODEL ROCKET ON A C6-7 ENGINE, HOW WELL DOES IT FLY? (2020-04-10)Follow me on Instagram @brianbaxterscience. This launch of Estes "Tigres" model rocket was a great launch and great flight. I would definitely recommend this rocket! The altimeter I used onboard ... [View]
Two-stage Praetor model rocket (2011-12-30)This was Paul's "Pod-2" Praetor rocket flown on a C6-5 as a single stage first and then as a C6-0 staging to a C6-5. [View]
Vintage Model Rocket "Cajun" by Estes - 1991 model- Recovery system fail (2019-02-22)This is a vintage model rocket from Estes, introduced in 1990-1991. It is 46 cm (1,5 feet) tall and flies to 366 m (1200 feet). It uses a stream recovery system and B/C engines. The engine used at ... [View]
YJKT DUO on C6-7 / C6-0 onboard video (2012-12-13)Third flight of my 2 stage "YJKT DUO" Flown on a C6-0 Booster and a C6-7 sustainer. Launched in East Berlin, PA 12-13-12 [View]
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