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R2K's High Power Rocketry Blog

High Power Rocketry Posts

Other Rocketry / Boeing

    Airborne ABM system test (2010-02-12)
    "For the first time the U.S. military has shot down a ballistic missile with an airbourne laser beam. The experiment, conducted off the California coast, was to demonstrate the future of defence ... [Read More]

    X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle launches on an Atlas V (2010-04-22)
    Classified spacecraft is in space (don't ask what part, that is classified.) You know, for a secret program, we keep hearing and seeing quite a bit about it! Check out how much the exhaust expands ... [Read More]

    Boeing B-47B rocket-assisted take off on April 15, 1954 (2010-08-04)
    This just in: Rocketry is great. ________________________________ Here is something not so great, from the interesting world of Christianity. I did not yet take the time to read this whole thing, ... [Read More]

    Giant 'chute (2011-01-15)
    "The team developing the landing system for NASA's Mars Science Laboratory tested the deployment of an early parachute design in mid-October 2007 inside the world's largest wind tunnel, at NASA Ames ... [Read More]

    Bono Mars Glider (2011-05-30)
    "In 1960, Philip Bono, a Space Vehicle Design Specialist with the Boeing Airplane Company Aero-Space Division, envisioned a Mars spacecraft that outwardly resembled the U.S. Defense Department's ... [Read More]

    ReEntry Breakup Recorder (REBR) (2012-05-04)
    At the Science and Engineering Festival, there was a booth showing off a program called R.E.B.R.  "Casualty expectation for reentering space hardware is computed using reentry-survivability ... [Read More]

    Jet crash test footage (2012-06-10)
    "In 1984, NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center and the Federal Aviation Administration teamed up in a unique flight experiment called the Controlled Impact Demonstration to test a promising fuel ... [Read More]