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Dick Stafford's Rocket Dungeon Blog

Rocket Dungeon Posts

Sport Rocketry / History / People / Bill Stine

    Who's your Big Daddy? updated, already! (2009-04-24)
    Here is my mostly completed, 29mm Big Daddy. 'Mostly' because I won't install the nose cone bulkhead and any required weight until I lay hands on one of Quests new F12 BP motors . (see note below!) ... [Read More]

    Manufacturer's Forum notes (2009-08-12)
    OK, I broke down and listed to the .mp3 of the   Manufacturer's Forum. I skipped along so I could have missed a juicy tidbit... AT - no new news I hadn't heard ARA Press - ditto Balsa ... [Read More]

    NARPres comments on the NFPA 1125 revision (2010-02-02)
    Trip's words, my highlights and added comments in brackets (stuff I didn't mention before or didn't catch earlier): Earlier today (February 2) we completed the first of two 2010 meetings of the ... [Read More]

    New Quest motors on the way? I'm not holding my breath. (2011-02-07)
    Chris Michielssen posted the following from a discussion on TRF. Posted on TRF from Oliver - European Rocketeer: "But seriously, our German Quest distributor is currently developing a new engine ... [Read More]

    Sport Rocketry July/August 2011 (2011-07-09)
    The issue starts with an series of articles on NARCON 2011, which was held in Seattle.  As usual, there were a number of sessions I'd have liked to have attended:  the 'Early Composite ... [Read More]

    New composite motors coming (2011-08-12)
    As discussed on YORF , a new line of composite motors have been developed by the German manufacturer Klima.  These are currently being CE certified.  Here's the most interesting revelation ... [Read More]

    RCS, Inc. (Aerotech) and Quest Aerospace, Inc. Announce Merger (2013-07-18)
    Wow, this is a surprise. Hopefully, it will lead to more motor selections in the low/mid power range. Or, will this kill future single use motors in that range (i.e. the ones from Quest via Klima ? ... [Read More]

    Sport Rocketry, November/December 2013 (2013-11-15)
    This issue is largely dedicated to contest rocketry, covering both NARAM 55 and the FAI World Championship flyoffs, wherein the members of the US team were selected. I'm not a contest flier so ... [Read More]