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All Videos by bigandy9

GammaStar RC Rocket Glider (2011-06-28)

The maiden flight of a GammaStar RC rocket glider at the Rhyl and District Model Flying Club 2010 Aerotow event. The Tug is a Decathlon (120 size) converted to E-power by Mark "Barnesyboy" Barnes. The glider is towed to altitude, released, and then after a bit of gliding, the Estes D12 rocket motor is fired remotely. The idea was to release at a higher altitude, but the tow hook fractured on the way up.

Multiplex 'Rocket' Fox (2011-06-22)

This is what happens when you strap an Estes C6 Rocket motor to a Multiplex Fox Chuck glider (that has been converted to RC of course!). It helsp if you reinforce the wings somewhat!