Rocket Dungeon Posts
Rocketry Product: Estes - Big Daddy {Kit} (2162) [1998-]
Build session post-mortem (2009-02-21)I spent my day building, talking rockets, eating, and drinking coffee and beer. Warthog was as usual a great host - thanks bro! The following photo shows most of what I accomplished. I have now have ... [Read More]
Finishing up the 29mm Estes Big Daddy (2011-09-26)I originally planned to fly this rocket on the Quest F12 BP motor. Since it now appears that this motor will never exist, I decided to finish it up. This merely involved permanently affixing ... [Read More]
The Dungeon's Top 10 of 2013 (2013-12-24)Here is my annual list of things (mostly rocket related) that made me happy and captured my imagination. As usual, in no particular order: 1. Estes released the 29mm E16 and F15 BP motors. ... [Read More]