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Sport Rocketry / Projects / Bare Necessities

    High Power Rocketry: Bare Necessities: N5800 competition entry (2012-09-04)
    "This is the "Mudd Team"'s entry into the N5800CS competition. We are flying ours at XPRS (pending no tragedies in the remaining construction process). It was designed to be such that we could ... [Read More]

    Rocket Dungeon: Links roudup (2012-09-05)
    from “Nuclear-powered aircraft” (“Применение... , xplanes (9/5) DARPA's Cheetah Bolts Past the Competition  (video) - Worlds fastest legged robot hits 29+ mph. ... [Read More]

    High Power Rocketry: More images of the Bare Necessities N5800 flying case (2012-09-09)
      This is our first view of the recovery hardware.  Four inches seems like a lot when flying mid or high power, but for an attempt to near space, there is actually very little room ... [Read More]

    High Power Rocketry: Bare Necessities Suffers a Separation (2013-07-21)
    Bare Necessities: N5800 C-Star Flying Case This incredible project with a mostly metal airframe (but perhaps not enough) seems to have shredded at Black Rock. We have to wait for more info to find ... [Read More]