Rocket Dungeon Posts
In the Twilight Zone? (2011-01-07)Or maybe the Bizarro Universe? I once again climbed down in to the Dungeon and spent some time rummaging through parts and fondling rockets that could be modified. I found no motivation and ... [Read More]
Run for the hills, Chicken Little, the Ballistic Chicken will be flying soon! (2010-10-26)Yesterday, this oddly marked tube arrived in the mail. It included a customs declaration, ominous 'ID RECORDED' stickers, and some hefty postage. The content's included a beta version of ... [Read More]
Ballistic Chicken progress (2010-11-02)I managed to get the Ballistic Chicken built. It was simple and that was good. I won't be able to paint it for a while but I won't be launching for a while either so there is plenty of ... [Read More]
Surgical tools (2011-02-20)Pictured below are the tools I used in performing the recent trans-tubal resection of the shock cord mount in the Ballistic Chicken . Specifically, the curved blades. These can both be ... [Read More]
Countin' my chickens before they hatch FLY (2011-03-18)The literal count is one, one Ballistic Chicken. But what I was getting at in the title is that I have laid out and prepped my rockets for tomorrow; and I even built a couple of reloads. Last ... [Read More]
Launch Report 2011-01 (2011-03-20)Location: Price, MD ( MDRA ESL-154) Weather: partly cloudy, low 50's, wind 0 - 5 MPH Total flights: Today - 11; YTD - 11 Total motors: Today - 21; YTD - 21 I left very early under the light of the ... [Read More]
Review: I Build Rockets' Ballistic Chicken (2011-03-21)Watch out Chicken Little , the Ballistic Chicken is loose! The Ballistic Chicken is a basic 3FNC, 18mm-powered rocket...with a cool chicken-head nose cone. It is the first offering from ... [Read More]
Reviews on the new EMRR (2011-03-22)Yesterday, I submitted my first new review (the Ballistic Chicken ) to the new EMRR. Today, it was published - that's some turn around! I really like this mode of publication vs. the ... [Read More]
Launch Report 2011-2 (2011-06-18)Location: Central Sod Farm, Centreville, MD ( MDRA ESL-157) Weather: partly cloudy, high 80s, wind 0-5 MPH Total flights: Today - 10; YTD - 21 Total motors: Today - 12; YTD - 33 The traffic through ... [Read More]
Ballistic Chicken Insanity (2011-10-20)Ballistic Chicken Insanity , a photo by Sascha Grant on Flickr. [Read More]
Launch Report 2012-4 "Lucky 13" (2012-05-26)Location: Old National Pike Park, Mt. Airy, MD ( NARHAMS ) Weather: mostly sunny, hot (96 on the field!), wind 0-5 mph Total flights: Today - 13; YTD - 30 Total motors: Today - 13; YTD - 36 Motors ... [Read More]
My flyable fleet (2013-10-10)After seeing ~1/10 of Dave Bucher's huge fleet on Facebook, I thought I'd snapshot mine, which consists of a paltry 233 birds. First sort criteria is a column that's not showing, breaking the list ... [Read More]