High Power Rocketry: Warp 9 - A discussion of rocket motors (2007-07-09)
A rocket gets off to a very fast start on a new type of propellant - Warp 9 Rocket motors come in many different forms. There are disposable motors and re-loadable motors in which you keep some ... [Read More]
Greg Smith's Blog: Some introductory stuff for those who love homework... (2008-04-03)
Rocket motor power designations allowed in California range from 1/4A through M with an 'A' motor yielding a maximum of 2.5 N•s of total impulse (the area under the thrust/time curve). Each ... [Read More]
Greg Smith's Blog: Great success!! I liiiiiiike! (2008-05-04)
I've had a bad streak of luck in the last few months: In February I made a mistake setting the timer on a two-stage project (how sweet is the dude in that picture!) and crashed my ... [Read More]
Neurotic Ape Rocketry: First launch of a scratch built... (2008-07-13)
This was my first kit bash, officially called The Patient. This was made from the body tube and cone of an Estes Mean Machine. I made through-the-wall fins, papered them and then Cy'd and sanded the ... [Read More]
Neurotic Ape Rocketry: Flew The Patient again (2008-07-13)
This time I flew it on an Aerotech E15-7W motor. This went to a maximum 1822' feet at 300MPH . The rocket performed well but the ejection charge caused some problems. The chute, e-bay and rocket all ... [Read More]
Greg Smith's Blog: Notes on CG/CP, motor selection, and documentation (2008-08-04)
The repairs to the booster and payload sections will add roughly 9" of extra length overall. This will change both the center of gravity and center of pressure. I'll measure/recalculate both ... [Read More]
Neurotic Ape Rocketry: Saturday's launch report (2008-08-04)
IMG_1685 Originally uploaded by ActiveOptics Several people joined me early Saturday morning to do some low-power flights. Justin, Kevin, Jeremiah, Andy and his son all made it out. We flew a lot ... [Read More]
Value Rockets Blog: AeroTech Announces Creation of ValueRockets.com Webstore (2008-12-14)
AeroTech has created ValueRockets.com?, a webstore dedicated to the sale of low and mid-power composite propellant rocket motors, kits and parts at wholesale prices. "The goal of ValueRockets.com is ... [Read More]
High Power Rocketry: Aerotech opens new store: ValueRockets.com (2008-12-19)
Aerotech just launched this web page to sell a small number of mid power items at a very low price. They claim this is to 1.) introduce more people to the hobby, and 2.) help us in these hard times. ... [Read More]
Value Rockets Blog: ValueRockets.com e-Commerce Site Now Online (2009-02-15)
AeroTech`s ValueRockets.com full-featured webstore is now complete and open for business at http://www.valuerockets.com. Featuring an easy-to-navigate design, the store is divided into six major ... [Read More]
Value Rockets Blog: AeroTech Spring `09 "Level 1-2-3" Certification Promotion (2009-02-25)
AeroTech is once again offering a special promotion to its NAR and Tripoli Level 1, 2 & 3 certification customers, available only through participating high-power RMS? dealers. The Level 1-2-3 ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: High power 10 years ago (2009-02-26)
As Feb. 2009 is slipping by, I found the Feb. 1999 issue of High Power Rocketry. So, what was going on in high power 10 years ago? Well, besides me getting into it. Impulse Aerospace started a ... [Read More]
Value Rockets Blog: Curt von Delius Sets New J and M-Class Altitude Records With AeroTech Reloads at XPRS 2008 Launch (2009-03-01)
Curt von Delius, using a modified version of his record-setting Level 3 airframe, crushed his previous ?M?-class altitude record of 37,762 feet by flying it to a GPS verified altitude of 45,328 feet ... [Read More]
Value Rockets Blog: Tripoli Motor Testing Certifies New High-Power Mojave Green Reload Kit (2009-03-08)
The Tripoli Motor Testing (TMT) Committee of the Tripoli Rocketry Association has certified a new AeroTech high-power Mojave Green? propellant RMS? reload, the L1390G-P. The L1390G-P fits AeroTech, ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Slow blogging, brief catch-up (2009-03-25)
Blogging has been slow around the Dungeon. I got Roxio Creator and am copying old videos to DVD. My laptop was of average power two years ago but manipulating multi-gigabyte files eats its lunch. It ... [Read More]
Value Rockets Blog: New AeroTech Hobby Line Dealer Announced (2009-03-30)
AeroTech is pleased to announce the addition of Always Ready Rocketry (ARR) as a new dealer of its hobby line rocket products in sunny Tampa, FL. Randall Ejma, owner of ARR, is very excited about ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Who's your Big Daddy? updated, already! (2009-04-24)
Here is my mostly completed, 29mm Big Daddy. 'Mostly' because I won't install the nose cone bulkhead and any required weight until I lay hands on one of Quests new F12 BP motors . (see note below!) ... [Read More]
Value Rockets Blog: AeroTech Creates Karl E. Baumann Signature Product Line (2009-05-27)
AeroTech is pleased to announce that it has created the Karl E. Baumann (KEB?) Signature Line? of specialty and high-performance rocket motor products. Karl is currently AeroTech`s Director of ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: AeroTech announces the first three items in their new Karl E. Baumann Signature Product Line (2009-05-28)
AeroTech Information Release 5/28/09 AeroTech Creates Karl E. Baumann Signature Product Line AeroTech is pleased to announce that it has created the Karl E. Baumann (KEB™) Signature L ... [Read More]
High Power Rocketry: 2009: The year of the motor! (2009-05-29)
A huge set of new motors is on the way down the pipeline at the very moment. Most of them come from Cesaroni , but Aerotech also just announced three end burner motors (one with an extra grain of ... [Read More]
Value Rockets Blog: AeroTech Offers Prize for Fastest RMS Assembly Video (2009-06-01)
AeroTech/RCS will provide a $500 AeroTech gift certificate to the individual who produces a video that demonstrates the fastest assembly of an AeroTech, Dr. Rocket or Rouse-Tech RMS-29/180 motor ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: "N" power without epoxy? (2009-06-05)
The typical Level-3 class rocket involves a lot of epoxy and fiberglass, Kevlar, or carbon fiber (or some combination thereof). I've heard of several examples. These are not well documented so I ... [Read More]
Value Rockets Blog: AeroTech Offers EFC-1 Electronic Forward Closure in Kit Form (2009-06-07)
AeroTech is offering its EFC-1? Electronic Forward Closure? recovery system deployment device in kit form as part no. EFC-1K at $99.90 suggested retail. The EFC is a timer-based electronic recovery ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Video of my Level-2 flight (2009-06-09)
I got my Level-2 at LDRS2000 outside Orangeburg, SC. My Great Googly Moogly flew on a J350 that was generously provided free by AeroTech. Recovery was controlled by a GWiz altimeter with motor ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Info on Dr. Rocket's modular aluminum rocket (2009-06-15)
A while back, I posted about N-Power without epoxy? .One of the rockets I mentioned was Michael "Dr. Rocket" Reiner's modular aluminum rocket. I learned the following from Point 39 Productions video ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: It's not 'research' but what is it? (2009-06-19)
Last year, I ordered a 3-pack of F24 RMS loads that was missing a ton of parts including 2 of the 3 delay assemblies. I contacted AeroTech and, after emailing some evidence, they promptly replaced ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Saturday 06.20.2009 (2009-06-20)
The NARAMS ECRM launch was on despite the threat of rain and afternoon thunderstorms. The weather reports looked like there might be breaks in the rain so I staged my stuff last night. This morning ... [Read More]
DTH Rocket Blog: "Untitled" Set to Launch! (2009-07-11)
It's embarrasing to have spent so much time and energy on a project you can't even come up with a creative name for. If you have any suggestions, please leave a comment. Later today I will be ... [Read More]
Value Rockets Blog: AeroTech Receives California State Fire Marshal Approvals for Three RMS Reload Kits (2009-08-04)
The California Office of the State Fire Marshal (OSFM) has issued classification approvals for three new high-power AeroTech Karl E. Baumann (KEB) Signature Line RMS reload kits. The specific motors ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Manufacturer's Forum notes (2009-08-12)
OK, I broke down and listed to the .mp3 of the Manufacturer's Forum. I skipped along so I could have missed a juicy tidbit... AT - no new news I hadn't heard ARA Press - ditto Balsa ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: ALICE details (2009-08-28)
I extracted some tidbits from: Tyler D. Wood, Mark A. Pfeil, Timothee L. Pourpoint, John Tsohas, and Steven F. Son of Purdue University and T.L. Connell, Jr, Grant A. Risha and Richard A. Yetter ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Now THAT'S an igniter (2009-08-29)
I received confirmation that the igniter assembly on the ALICE flight motor housed an AeroTech H180 reload. The H180 was head-end ignited. This project is just so cool! (this short post now ... [Read More]
Greg Smith's Blog: Lucerne launch report, 9/12/09 (2009-09-13)
I arrived on the playa at about 8:45AM yesterday to extremely calm conditions. Jack Garabaldi had already opened is awesomely stocked What's Up Hobbies store and I dove right in buying components and ... [Read More]
Value Rockets Blog: AeroTech Displays 38mm High Power RMS Reload Adapter System at XPRS 2009 (2009-09-27)
AeroTech displayed a new reload adapter system for its 38mm high power RMS? motors during the XPRS launch in the Black Rock Desert near Gerlach, NV held September 17-21. The system allows the use of ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Direct staging APCP to BP motors (2009-09-30)
TRF member rocket999 provided a link to the following interesting article: Direct Non-electronic Staging From Reloadable Composite Motors To Black Powder Motors , Jay Calvert, NAR # 71767 C Division, ... [Read More]
Value Rockets Blog: AeroTech on Facebook (2009-10-18)
AeroTech now has a page on Facebook! Follow the very latest AeroTech news, information, product developments and testing at http://www.facebook.com/pages/AeroTech-Consumer-Aerospace/159005948954 [Read More]
Value Rockets Blog: AeroTech Unveils New E20W Model Rocket Motor at 2009 iHobby Expo (2009-10-21)
AeroTech Consumer Aerospace is introducing a new 24mm `E`-class single-use model rocket motor in new retail packaging at the 2009 iHobby Expo trade show in Chicago, IL held during October 22 through ... [Read More]
Value Rockets Blog: Tripoli Motor Testing Certifies 38mm RMS Reload Adapter System, Five New High-Power RMS Reload Kits (2009-10-25)
The Tripoli Motor Testing (TMT) committee of the Tripoli Rocketry Association (TRA) has tested and approved a number of new AeroTech products. 38mm RMS Reload Adapter System The previously-announced ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: ROCKETS Magazine, October 2009 (2009-10-28)
This month, Bob and Neil's editorial discusses the state of rocketry magazines. During the last 4 months or so, we have lost 50% of our rocket magazines - both LAUNCH and Extreme Rocketry succumbed ... [Read More]
Value Rockets Blog: NAR Certifies New AeroTech E20W Motor (2009-10-28)
The National Association of Rocketry (NAR) Standards & Testing (S&T) Committee has certified AeroTech?s new E20W model rocket motor. The motor features an all-new molded phenolic casing with ... [Read More]
Value Rockets Blog: AeroTech Lowers Retail Prices on High-Power RMS Reload Kits (2009-11-01)
As a result of AeroTech locating several high-quality sources of lower-cost Ammonium Perchlorate (AP) oxidizer, AeroTech has reduced suggested retail prices on its entire line of high-power ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Loudmouths are coming to a launch near you (2009-11-08)
And, I'm not talking about select members from the rocketry forums :) I see from their Facebook news feed that AeroTech successfully tested a K345LM 'Loudmouth' yesterday at Plaster Blaster. ... [Read More]
Greg Smith's Blog: PB2k9: Em-Sem-Fity on M750 - 20,212 feet! (2009-11-12)
Frank and I conducted the successful M750 drag race just after 10AM on Saturday. Here's a video covering prep and flight: Here's a liftoff photo verifying Frank Hermes' clear victory in this M750 ... [Read More]
Greg Smith's Blog: PB2k9: 7.5" Nike Smoke on M1939 (2009-11-12)
For my 2008 birthday present my parents kicked in half of the cost of an Aerotech M1939 motor. They drove all the way out from Cochise, AZ for last year's Plaster Blaster which was almost completely ... [Read More]
High Power Rocketry: Confusing or simple? Vote in the comments. (2009-12-08)
Or vote any difficulty level in the spectrum from counting the sand grains on all the World's oceans, to blinking. I ask because of this thread in the Rocketry Planet Forums. It is no new thing that ... [Read More]
Value Rockets Blog: Anchor Retaining Ring for AeroTech 38mm RMS Reload Adapter System Now Available (2009-12-28)
The anchor retaining ring (P/N 38FCRRA) for the AeroTech 38mm RMS reload adapter system is now available, and is priced at $19.99 MSRP. The anchor retaining ring is an accessory to the previously ... [Read More]
Value Rockets Blog: AeroTech Lowers Prices on Five Single-Grain 54mm RMS Reload Kits (2010-01-24)
AeroTech Consumer Aerospace has redesigned its five single-grain 54mm soda can motor reload kits to use less expensive components and has significantly reduced prices on the entire range of reloads ... [Read More]
Value Rockets Blog: AeroTech Receives Seven New California State Fire Marshal Rocket Motor and Reload Kit Approvals (2010-02-02)
The California Office of the State Fire Marshal (OSFM) has issued classification approvals for one new AeroTech single-use model rocket motor in three time delays and six new high-power RMS? rocket ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Follow the bouncing launch pad (2010-04-29)
Here's a video of a 2.6" 'throw-away' rocket made from unreinforced Blue Tube and flying on a 54mm Aerotech J1999 Warp 9 motor. As if the break-neck lift-off wasn't enough, wait for the slow motion ... [Read More]
High Power Rocketry: Some recent searches to this page (2010-04-30)
ikaros light sail high-power low-energy-consumption rocket (sounds very cool!) 100 meter telescope convert phantom 4000 to aerotech (where did you get this Phantom 4000?!?) sounding ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: PMRRF update (2010-05-25)
The Paul Miller Recycled Rocket Fleet is complete...at least for the time being. I inspected, inventoried, and scavenged the entire box. There are lots of parts for future builds and ... [Read More]
High Power Rocketry: N3300R onboard footage to 17,000 ft. (2010-06-19)
"Superfluous Launch 6 at LDRS 29 on 6/13/2010 Motor Aerotech N3300R Max Altitude 17764 ft G-Wiz, 17767 RRC2 Max Speed 1427 ft/sec (mach 1.3) Max Acceleration 16G Above Mach from 2.5 to 7.8 seconds ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: AeroTech Cheetah scrap tube luck-out (2010-06-29)
Yet another dead rocket that I inherited from the infamous Paul Miller is the motor section and nose cone from an Aerotech Cheetah. I found replacement 1.9" tubing on AeroTech's website but, ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: How about an H reload for the 29/40-120 case!?! (2010-07-09)
Via AeroTech's Facebook page: RMS-29/40-120 motor just tested at 150 N-sec with a 1.17 sec burn time...now to bump up the propellant to enter the 'H' power range! Sounds like Warp9 to ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: New 29/40-120 details (2010-07-10)
The Amateur Geek was right about the propellant used in the forthcoming high thrust load for the AeroTech 29/40-120 case. Again, via FB: "New Blue Thunder (the high solids, high Isp ... [Read More]
Greg Smith's Blog: Lucerne launch report, 7/10/10 (2010-07-11)
Yesterday started cloudy but windless on the lakebed. I quickly prepped my newly-stable Squat rocket for the drag race my friend KO and I had planned. She was stuck in traffic so I then prepped and ... [Read More]
High Power Rocketry: Almost H (2010-07-12)
"RMS-29/40-120 motor just tested at 150 N-sec with a 1.17 sec burn time...now to bump up the propellant to enter the 'H' power range!" "We will be running more tests on the possible 'H' ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: It's Tuesday and I am in a rocketry vacuum (2010-07-13)
I have nothing on the bench (again), nothing interesting appeared on my feed reader this AM, the forums didn't have anything, EMRR hasn't updated in a month, and the photos that I submitted ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: AeroTech reports test results for the 29/40-120 H motor (2010-07-15)
Via Facebook: We fired four motors in two slightly different configurations, total impulse ranged from 162 to 166 N-sec. Burn times were 1.05 to 1.1 seconds. Measured delay was about 14 seconds. ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Launch Report 2010-8 (2010-07-18)
Location: Central Sod Farm, Centreville, MD ( MDRA ESL-146) Weather: low 90's, clear, wind ~5-10 mph Total flights: Today - 9; YTD - 68 Total motors: Today - 18; YTD - 91 Another great day...good ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: AeroTech G138 has been certified (2010-07-31)
I've been waiting for this ever since I bought my 29/40-120 case: Aerotech: (HP)G138-14A 29mm x 124mm 157.1 Newton-seconds Total Impulse [note that's 2.9 N from an 'H'!] 190.1 Newtons Peak Thrust ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Laser ignition of APCP propellants (2010-11-04)
AeroTech recently posted the attached video to FaceBook . It shows the ignition of various AT propellants using a 1.1W hand held Survival Laser . Gary mentions the possibility of head-end ... [Read More]
AKS Rockets: Big Daddy (2010-11-21)
We bought the Big daddy kit. Its one of my favorites. Its 3 inches wide and 19in tall (our widest rocket.) We might fly it on a D engine but we gave it a new 4 foot shock cord so it could take an ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: The price of MPR - then and now (2010-12-01)
I bought my first mid-power rocket, the NCR Big Brute, in 1990 or 91. The other day, I was looking at the catalog that I ordered from and lamented the fact that I didn't buy a lifetime supply ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Mega-Review: Art Applewhite Standard Flying Saucers (VERY LONG) (2010-12-15)
Because of their similarity, I decided to conglomerate all my reviews of Art Applewhite's 'standard' flying saucers is one easy-to-reference location. These are the ones that have an opening ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Review - Great Googly Moogly (2010-12-19)
The Great Googly Moogly is a 8" x 75" scratch built rocket that I used for my TRA Level 2 certification at LDRS 19 in Orangeburg, SC. However, I began building it almost a year earlier, before even ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Mega-Review: Art Applewhite Delta Flying Saucers (2010-12-20)
At the time of this posting, Art Applewhite is offering no less than 10 versions of his Delta Saucer design, two of which are free downloads. This is a cluster of reviews covering three of ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Comparison of Art Applewhite's 24mm Saucers (2010-12-20)
Now that I have captured some of my old reviews, I decided to see if Blogger could handle the table used in the original comparison article. The first row includes links to the posts that present the ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Review - Art Applewhite 18", 38mm and 54mm Delta Flying Saucer (2010-12-21)
This is a review of a pre-production version of Art Applewhite's 18", 38mm and 54mm Delta Flying Saucer . Its construction varied somewhat from the production model. Nonetheless, it is ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Review: Goonball XL5 (2010-12-24)
This 'goony' version of the Fireball XL5 sci-fi spacecraft is based on the Estes SpaceShipOne kit. That rocket is now my favorite kits to bash. The modifications included replacing the stock ... [Read More]
AKS Rockets: Arreaux/Christmas launch (2011-01-01)
For Christmas I got a Rms 29/40-120 reload case, a G76-7G reload, an Aerotech Arreaux mid power kit and a mid power Nike smoke. On Christmas day I started putting together the Arreaux (pronounced ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Review: Twice Removed From Yesterday (2011-01-02)
Twice Removed from Yesterday is a 4" diameter, 38mm rocket (as well as a song by Robin Trower). The main thing that is different about its construction (at least in my fleet) is the motor mount. The ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Mega Review: Vintage Estes (2011-01-14)
This post covers the following out-of-production Estes kits: Helio*Copter (Kit #1995) Sizzler (Kit #1906) Starter Set Skinny Mini (Kit #0880) Space Shuttle (Kit #1284) ... [Read More]
AKS Rockets: Zero to eight hundred in .5 seconds (2011-01-16)
As shocking as the title is, it's true. At the rocket's fastest speed it will be flying faster that buckshot fired from a shotgun. The small rocket is practically bullet-proof. It's less than an ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Review: Art Applewhite Qubits (2011-01-18)
The Qubit is another saucer-like object from Art Applewhite's lab . Once built, the Qubit resembles a cube that flies with one of its corners facing upward. I say the Qubit resembles a cube because ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Reviews: Micro Viking and Micro Titan III-C MOL (2011-01-21)
This post presents a review of semi-scale Micro Viking and Micro Titan III-C MOL models. Micro Viking This is an easy to build, semi-scale model of the Viking sounding rocket for MMX-II ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Mega Review: Motors (2011-01-24)
Here are my motor reviews from EMRR. AeroTech G77R (updated!) AeroTech G79W (updated!) Quest D5-0 Plugged Ellis Mountain SU J110 (out-of-production) Ellis Mountain SU J228 (out-of-production) ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Review: Loki 38mm Motor System (2011-01-28)
This is a review of Loki 's 38mm line, circa mid-2005. Loki Research has been manufacturing EX hardware since 2001 and has had a hand in some of the largest projects flown over the past few years. ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Review: Killer Bee (2011-01-30)
The Killer Bee is a 3" diameter rocket that I built around a set of Aerospace Composite fins from Giant Leap Rocketry. It sports a 29mm motor mount and zipperless construction. Construction: The ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Note from Performance Hobbies (2011-02-02)
Since I've seen this email cross-posted to an open forum at Kenny's request, I thought I'd post it here also. Hey Gang, Great news! I'm selling Aerotech 29mm through 98mm reloads 25% off and you ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: In my dreams... (2011-02-16)
Last night, I dremt about an MDRA launch. As usual, my memory of the dream wasn't very persistent. However, I remember the details of one flight. I was going to fly my RocketVision ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Review: Tarkus II (2011-03-21)
The motivation for this 29mm, sci-fi-inspired rocket began with a container from a bottle of Highland Park single-malt scotch. The truncated oval tube screamed spaceship. From there, the rocket ... [Read More]
Greg Smith's Blog: Sometimes ya gotta just give up on the video... (2011-03-26)
I spent a whole bunch o' time since the beginning of March trying to get my new camera's video footage slowed down to look all cool. Ultimately I think that even 60 fps is inadequate to slow a fast ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Estes to begin offering composite mid-power motors! (2011-05-10)
There are two threads on YORF describing the new Estes products that were unveiled at the NRHSA hobby show in Las Vegas - NEW Estes Pro Series 2 kits !!!! and More new Estes stuff from the Las ... [Read More]
High Power Rocketry: Estes "Pro Series II" - New rockets and motors (2011-05-10)
Estes is coming out with some composite motors that look quite a bit like motors from Road Runner Rocketry. But they are being made by Aerotech. Basically, Aerotech has a slightly modified line of ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Sport Rocketry Magazine, May/June 2011 (2011-05-14)
Now, THAT'S a Fat Boy! Love the AeroTech J500 Mojave Green. In this issue: Electronics: MAWD Telemetry and the Garmin Astro GPS. A awesome build article on an ASP, complete with launcher! How ... [Read More]
DTH Rocket Blog: June Launch Report <-- Boring Title But VERY Interesting Article (2011-06-13)
No matter what safety precautions you take, at the end of the day getting beaned on the noggin with an Aerotech Sumo coming in ballistic at a couple hundred feet per second is bad for your health. ... [Read More]
Alex Zoghlin's Blog: Patriot rocket launch (2011-06-27)
Launched my Patriot a couple of weekends ago on my first Gorilla Rocket Motor. This is Jim’s version of an AMW skidmark – I think he may have actually created a better version! Certainly ... [Read More]
Bayourat Aerospace Blog: Post Flight Data Analysis From The X-104 Morganza Project. (2011-07-05)
Upon my return from the Southern Thunder Rocket Launch and the successful flight of my X-104 Morganza project. I have been pouring over the data returned from the Raven flight computer. The Raven ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Starship Epsilon at Centuri (2011-07-09)
I was reading through TRF archive and came across a thread by Bob Sanford. Bob worked for and developed the Initiator design for Enertek and later Aerotech. He took a trip to Phoenix and Centuri in ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: In praise of motor blocks (2011-07-11)
I started with Estes rockets and, of course, they all had motor blocks and hooks. This was good because there was only one length motor in each motor class and they made life easy. When I ... [Read More]
XPRS 2011: Astroboy: Take three! (2011-08-16)
Member : Jamie Clay Club : AeroPac Altitude : Good question to ask. Motors : Aerotech single use Fs (or maybe Gs) Facebook Pictures Project Goal: To make Astro Boy fly a good stable flight and THIS ... [Read More]
XPRS 2011: Pegasus (2011-09-03)
Member : James Dougherty Club : AeroPAC Altitude : 45,000' AGL Motors : Aerotech N-1000, Ceseroni N-58000 CS Project Goal : Test out new Real Flight Systems GPS-TWO rocket electronics && ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Recap of How Hard Can It Be's "homemade rocket" episode (2011-10-26)
This post is mostly real-time notes taken while watching....spoilers ahead! It was a fun show and I recommend you watch it. If you can't or already have, read on! The stated goal goal ... [Read More]
High Power Rocketry: 2,025 mph 38mm carbon fiber rocket! (2011-10-26)
"38mm carbon fibre mach madness rocket, flown to 18,000ft on an Aerotech J570. Max velocity was 2970ft/sec, or 2025mph. Recovered undamaged 2km from the launch site. Mach 1 was broken less than ... [Read More]
AKS Rockets: Aerotech vs. CTI (2011-11-09)
... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Hobby rocket motors used to boost satellite (2011-11-10)
Credit: Aerospace Corp Rocketry Planet reports that the grains and nozzles from four AeroTech E28T RMS motors were installed to boost a picosat in orbit. The P ico S ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Tampa TTRA Launch November 19. 2011 (2011-11-21)
I almost didn't go to the Tampa TTRA launch today. I had a evening show scheduled and realized the venue was only ten miles from the TTRA site! So, it was a launch in the afternoon then banjos at ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: EMRR Combined Motor Totals Tool (2011-12-02)
I didn't know about this until earlier this evening, but EMRR has a nifty motor totals tool . This tool lets you mix and match motors in clusters and allows for delayed ignition and staging. ... [Read More]
RocketReviews.com Blog: 2012 RocketReviews.com Vertical Wall Calendar (2012-01-01)
The 2012 RocketReviews.com Vertical Wall Calendar features a dozen exciting photographs of rocket launches. Each photo is 11″ x 11″ and printed in dynamic color on 10pt heavyweight ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Feed reader stars and interesting links (2012-02-07)
MIT`16 EA Tube Goes to Near Space - YouTube - A 16-year-old accepted into Massachusetts Institute of Technology launched her admissions letter 91,000 feet to the edge of space and ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: What's new with Estes in 2012? (2012-02-22)
This morning Model Rocket Building discussed the new Estes 2012 catalog (pdf) that just appeared on their site. Most of the new stuff that interested me has been discussed here and I'm sure ... [Read More]
High Power Rocketry: The incredible rockets of XPRS (2012-04-07)
Barely through level 1 rocketry, and slowly working towards level 2, it is still fun to dream about what could be, some day. These XPRS blogspot pages show many large hpr rockets, some of which are ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Launch Report 2012-4 "Lucky 13" (2012-05-26)
Location: Old National Pike Park, Mt. Airy, MD ( NARHAMS ) Weather: mostly sunny, hot (96 on the field!), wind 0-5 mph Total flights: Today - 13; YTD - 30 Total motors: Today - 13; YTD - 36 Motors ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Successful Carmack Prize 100k' AGL Flight (updated) (2012-09-14)
Update: Someone correctly pointed out that the prize ain't won until John says its won. However, the fliers and launch organizers think that will be the case. Someone also pointed out that recovery ... [Read More]
High Power Rocketry: M1000 to M685 flight - Apogee over 100,000 feet! (2012-09-14)
"This is the video of the AeroPac 2012 successful flight to 104,659' AGL on Tuesday 9/11/2012. It was a two stage flight with fully commercial certified motors - an AeroTech N1000 staging to an ... [Read More]
High Power Rocketry: Carmack Prize officially won (2012-09-26)
"To our rocketry colleagues: This is our notice of a successful attempt to claim the Carmack Prize for a documented amateur flight above 100K'. Our flight on Tuesday 9/11/2012 reached ... [Read More]
Wayne Hill's Blog: The new RCS Store (2012-10-05)
Experimental rocketeers rejoice! The completely new RCS Store is now open for business. “RCS Rocket Motor Components was founded by Gary Rosenfield in 1995 to offer AeroTech ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Tampa TTRA Launch December 15, 2012 (2012-12-16)
I drove to Oviedo, FL (JonRocket.com Headquarters) to pick up Roger Smith. He had a new camera and put it to good use today! Still pictures are mine, all action shots were taken by Roger. Roger's ... [Read More]
High Power Rocketry: Loki Dart on Facebook (2013-02-22)
One good reason to like AeroTech on Facebook. [Read More]
High Power Rocketry: Aerotech announces single use HPR motors (2013-02-23)
AeroTech Unveils Pro-SU Motor Line at NARCON Convention in Santa Clara, CA AeroTech is introducing a game-changing new product for the high power rocketry market, the Pro-SU line of single use ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Pro-SU: "When you just want to fly!" (updated) (2013-02-24)
I can't resist this tidbit of news! At NARCON, Aerotech is releasing their new line of single use high power motors. Wow, that's a bast from the past. Unlike the older SU motors, however, these ... [Read More]
Sirius Rocketry: Welcome! (2013-03-05)
The Sirius Rocketry Saturn V on an AeroTech I284. Welcome to the Sirius Rocketry Blog! Hello everyone! Dave from Sirius ... [Read More]
Sirius Rocketry: Taking a Look at the New AeroTech DMS H135W-14A Single-Use Motor (2013-04-10)
Thought I might share a look at one of the new motors in the AeroTech Pro-SU DMS (Disposable Motor System) line of single-use motors with adjustable delays. The motors ship with a long delay that ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Launch Report 2013-01 (2013-04-13)
Location: Higgs Farm, Price, MD - MDRA (Red Glare XIV) Weather: 50's, mostly sunny, wind 5-10 Total flights: Today - 5; YTD - 5 Total motors: Today - 5; YTD - 5 Motors by class ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: More Kit Instructions! (2013-06-13)
The Canadian Rocket Store has scanned many kit instructions including the new Rocketarium models. Simply go to: http://www.allrocketengines.ca/ And find a model you are curious about. Go to the ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Launch Report 2013-2 (2013-06-15)
Location: Central Sod Farm, Centreville, MD MDRA ESL-181) Weather: Sunny, mid 80's, wind 0-10 (crossfield, away from the trees) Total flights: Today - 9; YTD - 14 Total motors: Today - 10; YTD - 15 ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: The first RMS ad circa 1990 (2013-06-22)
Note this is pre-AeroTech. [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: RCS, Inc. (Aerotech) and Quest Aerospace, Inc. Announce Merger (2013-07-18)
As seen today on Rocket Reviews.com: Aerotech and Quest Announce Merger Check out the complete story HERE [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: RCS, Inc. (Aerotech) and Quest Aerospace, Inc. Announce Merger (2013-07-18)
Wow, this is a surprise. Hopefully, it will lead to more motor selections in the low/mid power range. Or, will this kill future single use motors in that range (i.e. the ones from Quest via Klima ? ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Sport Rocketry, September/October 2013 (2013-09-06)
As you see, this issue features NSL and TARC, along with the attendant eye-candy. Other items include an article on teaching rocketry in schools and a launch rack based on keyless drill chucks. ... [Read More]
Sirius Rocketry: Taking a Look at the New AeroTech RMS-EZ Reloads (2013-09-27)
AeroTech has recently released the first loads in the RMS-EZ line of reloads, the I161W-14A, The I357T-14A, and the I211W-14A. These reloads are the first to feature the new RMS-EZ all-in-one delay ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: My flyable fleet (2013-10-10)
After seeing ~1/10 of Dave Bucher's huge fleet on Facebook, I thought I'd snapshot mine, which consists of a paltry 233 birds. First sort criteria is a column that's not showing, breaking the list ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Quest / Aerotech Holiday Specials (2013-11-23)
I went to the Quest website HERE to check the availability of the Q2G2 igniters. I read on a forum that they were on back order. The opening page had specials: A Big Dog kit with a "Free" ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: The Dungeon's Top 10 of 2013 (2013-12-24)
Here is my annual list of things (mostly rocket related) that made me happy and captured my imagination. As usual, in no particular order: 1. Estes released the 29mm E16 and F15 BP motors. ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: New Aerotech Econo-Max motors spotted on HobbyLinc (2014-01-27)
I found these via TRF rather than on Aerotech's Facebook feed. These really are priced well and with a mid-February delivery, they will be part of my birthday present to myself. Both have a high ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: How did AeroTech cram 83 N-s into a 53 N-s package? (2014-02-26)
I want some of these! Via AeroTech on Facebook: How did AeroTech squeeze nearly 83 N-sec out of a form factor that until just recently was limited to around 53 N-sec (a 56% increase)? • High ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Small Parts Orders (2014-03-11)
I got my Quest X-15 parts packs yesterday. The body tube and centering rings were not in the parts pack, you'll need those Quest parts to make the model. An ST-7 engine mount tube fits the Quest ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Launch Report 2014-2 (2014-03-15)
Location: Higgs Farm, Price, MD ( ESL-190 ) Weather: 61 degrees, sunny, wind 10-20mph Total flights: Today - 6; YTD - 9 Total motors: Today - 6; YTD - 9 Motors by class YTD: MMX-1, A-2, C-1, E-1, ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Aerotech...no, not our AeroTech (2014-03-16)
[Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Quest Q2G2 Availability? (2014-05-03)
75Granville posted on TRF about the out of stock Quest Q2G2 igniters: "Was poking around the Apogee website today, and in the Upcoming Products section(s) they show Quest motors. (Bottom of ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Launch Report 2014-10 (2014-07-26)
Location: MDRA, Central Sod Farm Weather: cloudy turning to clear, wind 0 -5, around 90 degrees max Total flights: Today - 8; YTD - 80 Total motors: Today - 9; YTD - 70 Motors by class YTD: ... [Read More]
David McCann's Blog: Painkiller Micro (2014-08-14)
This is a cool little kit from Gary T. 24mm motor, with free CTI 6grain case. My plan is to fly it on 24mm Aerotech SU and in the 24/40 case on E18’s and F38’s. Should also do well on ... [Read More]
Rich's Rockets: Rocketry goals review for August 2014 (2014-08-30)
Here’s how my 2014 rocketry goals are going: Fly some larger rockets Good this month. Aerotech Mustang, Bad Cholesterol Block II (twice), and TRDRM flown. Fly more 24mm BP N ... [Read More]
David McCann's Blog: The perfect G (2014-11-04)
In my mind, the perfect G is close to 80N average thrust, and as close to 160N/s as possible. Most AT Gs run 100/137 N/s. Leaves a lot in the table. CTI has the G54R. At 159N/s. But it’s a ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Quest Response to Out Of Stock (2014-11-25)
After much speculation about igniters and supplies, Bill Stine posted this on TRF: OK, here's an official response from Quest: First, NO, Q2G2 igniters are NOT gone forever and you will be ... [Read More]
Greg Smith's Blog: Laster Blaster 2014 (2014-12-07)
It's time to catch up on some blogging. In my defense I've been moving more toward Agile or Lean Test development at work and both methods value "functional [stuff] vs. documenting [s ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: RMS? Whaa . . . (2015-02-01)
I know, I've gone over to the dark side. Not really, I had launched a few Enerjet E engines in the late 1970s. I ordered this 24/40 reloadable engine casing for use in some heavier models that ... [Read More]
Greg Smith's Blog: Throwback to c.1981 (2015-05-16)
I recently dug up and scanned a bunch of old photos for my friend's birthday and came across a few of possible interest to the rocketry community: That's me at roughly 12 or 13 years old proudly ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Its a rainy day... (2015-06-27)
It's raining, I had to get up early to meet our paving contractor and my current project is waiting on Stickershock23 (decals will be here Monday!). I am not really in the market to spend money on ... [Read More]
Rocket N00b: Fiddling Around (2015-09-05)
My schedule is all over the place. Sometimes I work late at night; sometimes early, early in the morning. All this back and forth has left me with less time than I'd like for rocket building or ... [Read More]
Rocketeer's Corner: An hour with the B sisters... (2015-09-20)
After the scout launch yesterday, Duane warned me that he might head over to Pegasus field this afternoon for a couple of practice flights with his geezer TARC rocket. When he called about 3 to let ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Quest Kits and Parts To Be Made in the U.S.A.? (2015-12-03)
December1 on YORF, CTRRockets posted the question: "I was in my local hobby shop looking for a kit and some engines and I asked for Quest engines. They told me they have been having issues with ... [Read More]
Rocket N00b: Coming Up: AeroTech/Quest Chat with Charlie Savoie (2015-12-23)
I'm recording with The Rocketry Show right now. We're chatting with Charlie Savoie, General Manager of AeroTech - who recently merged with Quest AeroSpace. This show is going to be good - and there ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Is Quest Ill? (2016-01-05)
Is Quest ill? That question was posted by Blackshire on YORF. If you visit the Quest website ( CLICK HERE) and click on most engine listings you get this message: "This item is currently Out ... [Read More]
Rocket N00b: A Chat with Aerotech, Part 1 (2016-01-05)
Season 2, Episode 7 of The Rocketry Show is up now, featuring our conversation with Charles Savoie, General Manager of Aerotech. This conversation was really great, and it was long enough - and ... [Read More]
Greg Smith's Blog: K185 = cable cutter test (2016-01-09)
I got a late start during morning last Saturday's actking because I could not find three important items and arrived at Holtville about 9:30AM. The AT 1417K185 did indeed fly... ...but there were ... [Read More]
Rocket N00b: A Chat with Aerotech, Part 2 (2016-01-26)
Part 2 of our conversation with Charles Savoie of Aerotech is now on The Rocketry Show. Also, CG, Gheem and I discuss an exciting rocketry project I witnessed a couple weeks ago - a finless, ... [Read More]
Rocketeer's Corner: A chilly launch (2016-02-06)
The Falcon Rocketeers had scheduled a practice today at noon, which provided an opportunity for me to a launch a few members of the fleet. At first, the weather seemed almost perfect - slight ... [Read More]
Rocket N00b: First Flight of the Ceres B with Camera Payload (2016-05-14)
At my first club launch in April, I flew a newly-finished, scratch-built rocket: The Ceres B booster with the "ICU2" camera payload bay. The original design is from Mike Westerfield's book, Make: ... [Read More]
Odd'l Rockets: So . . . Where's All The New Stuff? (2016-06-29)
I've been busy! Work on the Odd'l Rockets Break-Away and other products continues. Every time I get back to work on the instructions, something else comes up! I might be called away to do shows or a ... [Read More]
Rocket N00b: Current Projects #2 (2016-08-19)
I haven't posted anything on this blog in about two weeks. Apologies to my regular readers, particularly if you've been waiting for the most recent installment of the Rocket Camp series of posts. I ... [Read More]
Rocketeer's Corner: It fell, daddy! (2017-06-28)
"It fell, daddy" - These words were the comment made by a little girl after witnessing a very heavy model of a Blue Origin (I think) spacecraft arc right into the the ground at Southern Thunder. It ... [Read More]
Rocketeer's Corner: The season begins at Pegasus... (2017-09-12)
My Estes Alpha streaks skyward on an A8-3 (click to enlarge). My apologies for no blog posts over the past couple of months - it's been a busy summer, and I haven't found much time to write. Things ... [Read More]
Rocketeer's Corner: Pics from Saturday's launch... (2017-10-01)
Duane's Estes Make-It-Take-It leaves the rod on an A8-3 (Click to enlarge). Saturday's launch did not just involve the TARC Geezers; quite a few other folk joined us at Pegasus, many bringing ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: More Quest 18mm Composite Engine Information (2018-03-10)
Bob Jablonski (Starlight Model Rockets and Countyline Hobbies) posted these on Facebook - thrust curves for upcoming Quest composite 18mm engines. The upper picture is the thrust curve from a C14-5 ... [Read More]
Greg Smith's Blog: Lucerne, March 2018 was a washout (2018-03-20)
I was excited to finally fly an Aerotech 98mm, 2-grain, L2500 Super Thunder with stainless steel forward closure at Lucerne. It was raining lightly in North County SD as I left to drive ... [Read More]
Rocketeer's Corner: Advancing to the next round... (2018-04-08)
Well, the dry spell for the Huntsville locale is over - we have a TARC team that is going to the national competition. The Saint John Paul II Longshots will represent their school at the flyoff in ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: ModelRockets.us Nexus Rocket - No Glue, No Cutting! (2018-09-17)
Every major vendor has their own version of a "school rocket". All claim theirs is easy to build. This new NEXUS model from Discount Rocketry - ModelRockets.us might have the winning design edge. ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: New Products at NARCON (2020-03-08)
On the NAR Facebook page - John Wilkerson posted some pictures from the NARCON Manufacturers Presentation. I'm sure there were other products, these seemed the most interesting. Matt Steele ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: NARCON 202 Manufacturer's Forum (2020-03-19)
On TRF, Winston posted a link to the 2020 NARCON Maunfacturer's Forum. The video was produced by Apogee. CLICK HERE At 0:01 - AEROTECH - Available in the Fall, Q-Jets will ... [Read More]
Rocketeer's Corner: Breaking news from the rocket vendors! (Part 2) (2020-07-29)
One of the best features of the NAR manufacturer's forum is that you are exposed to new ideas and products beyond your normal hobby experience. This was the case for me and vendor #6, Cris Erving of ... [Read More]
Rocketeer's Corner: Lightning is coming! (2020-10-12)
Last year Quest/Aerotech released their line of 18mm Q-Jet composite motors, which were a welcome addition to the stable of model rocketry power plants. The C12, at 9.8 newton-seconds, is a full C ... [Read More]
Rocketeer's Corner: The one where nothing goes right... (2020-11-23)
My LGM lies on the ground after its fall (Click to enlarge). Yesterday was a very nice day, perfect rocket flying weather - clear sky, no wind, and an afternoon high of 70 degrees. So Duane and I ... [Read More]
Rocket N00b: Many Pictures, Few Words - My 2020 In Rocketry (2020-12-22)
The moment you realize you're not going to find the rocket you lost sight of over the tree line... Start the post with an obvious fact you have to mention because it would be weird not to, ... [Read More]
Rocketeer's Corner: Of rockets and Girl Scout cookies... (2021-03-28)
A couple of weekends ago, Duane and I flew a few rockets at Pegasus field. We were both needing a launch fix, and Duane was eager to try out the new wireless launch controller he's building for ... [Read More]
Rocketeer's Corner: The factor that many TARC teams ignore (2022-01-22)
Duane spent a few hours this afternoon giving a couple of new TARC teams much needed practical experience in launching mid power rockets. Naturally, he had to fly the rocket that propelled him to ... [Read More]
Rocketeer's Corner: More TARC musings... (2022-01-30)
I keep thinking about TARC - specifically, my rocket's performance in Geezer TARC. I wanted to understand why the simulation programs were giving way too high altitudes, while Thrustcurve.org and ... [Read More]
Rocketeer's Corner: Sunday afternoon launch (2022-02-10)
Girl scouts watch as the rocket they prepped heads skyward (Click to enlarge) . The John Paul II TARC teams had scheduled a TARC practice for this past Sunday, which provided a perfect excuse for ... [Read More]
Rocketeer's Corner: Vendor review - Apogee Components (2022-03-18)
I decided some time ago that I should occasionally write reviews of some of the vendors I patronize - to heap praise on the things they do right (which is often) and to keep them honest when they ... [Read More]
Greg Smith's Blog: Holtville April 2, 2022 (2022-04-05)
Oh hi there. I'm known to blog... occasionally. I attended the most recent launch at Holtville, CA and a fine day it was. I flew only a CTI 168H410 Vmax reload in my DarkStar ... [Read More]
Rocket N00b: Where to Buy Model Rockets and Rocket Supplies (2022-04-07)
Someone on the Facebook group Estes Model Rockets posed a question recently: Other than Amazon, where is everyone buying Estes rockets? I don't have a good hobby store near me. I see ... [Read More]
Greg Smith's Blog: Holtville Havoc 2022 (2022-11-07)
Holtville Havoc 2022 featured one of the finest flying days I can recall at this launch site. I also finally flew my highest thrust motor yet, the CTI 86434M6400 Vmax (1,626 lbf max), and ... [Read More]
JonRocket.com: New Products added to JonRocket.com’s Online Store (2022-12-12)
We’ve recently added many new products to our online model rocketry store including a selection of Aerotech F & G impulse rocket motors. You can see a list of all of the products recently ... [Read More]
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