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Dick Stafford's Rocket Dungeon Blog

Rocket Dungeon Posts

Sport Rocketry / Rocketry Products / Estes / Kits / Asteroid Hunter

     Rocketry Product: Estes - Asteroid Hunter {Kit} (3224) [2012-]

    Meteoroids kill satellites (2010-04-08)
    The author with the Los Alamos Portable Pulser. (Photo: Chip Simons) The IEEE Spectrum has an interesting article on the danger that meteoroids pose to satellites and other spacecraft -  Space ... [Read More]

    Links roundup (2012-04-24)
    Intrepid Museum/Space Shuttle Enterprise - The Enterprise is now slated to be moved on Friday the 27th.  This site seems to be a good source of updates. The big space news today is ... [Read More]