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Sport Rocketry / Publications / Magazines / American Spacemodeling

    Shroudlines: Everything's Better in Pictures (2016-11-01)
    Today I have an image to show you that isn't exactly as it seems. Here you go... It's the cover of the July,  1987 issue of American Spacemodeling! On this cover we see a fine example of ... [Read More]

    Shroudlines: American Spacemodeling Cover....The Rest of the Story (2017-01-24)
    A while back I showed you guys the cover of American Spacemodeling that featured John Dyer's plastic model conversion Saturn V moments before the loops began.... This week I was going through some ... [Read More]

    Rocket Dungeon: American Spacemodeling, January 1989 (2010-12-01)
    American Spacemodeling , January 1989 is my oldest surviving rocket magazine.  It is 15 pages in length (excluding the unnumbered back cover) and contains numerous diagrams.  However, the ... [Read More]

    Rocket Dungeon: Review: Mini V-2 (2010-12-31)
    My Mini-V2 (2nd from left) is a semi-scale model based on BT-50 tubing. I was motivated to build this V2 after seeing plans for a BT-20 version that appeared in the January 1989 issue of American ... [Read More]