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Rocketry Videos

Videos / Style / Air Start
Maiden Flight of the Supreme Endeavour (On-board video) (2009-06-22)
On-board video of the first flight of my Supreme Endeavour, a scratch-built 7.7 inch diameter 12.5 feet long rocket built for my Tripoli Rocketry Association (TRA) Level 3 Certification. The motor ... [View]
Impulse Buys (2012-11-06)
A scratch-built model rocket called 'Impulse Buys' attempting to air start multiple motor combinations. Flying on a central Aerotech M-1550 Redline, air-starting two Aerotech H-170 Metalstorms, two ... [View]
MSN SLI Air Start Skidmark at Bong 06 (2006-12-06)
The Madison Students Air Start a SkidMark at Bong in the Summer of 2006. Jay Rietz video [View]
Stars & Stripes Air Starting (2012-09-04)
A scratch built model rocket named 'Stars & Stripes' flying on a central Cesaroni J449 Blue Streak and air starting two Cesaroni I255 Red Lighting's. Part of the Team-1 launch held at DuRussel's ... [View]
Trinity-J430 White Thunder with 3 H133 Blue Streak Airstarts (2020-08-08)
One of the coolest flights of the day, the Madcow Trinity flying on a J430 White Thunder lit on the pad and air starting a cluster of 3 H133 Blue Streaks at Bridgeton Area Rocket Club on July 18 ... [View]