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High-Power Scale Rockets

ThumbnailTitleAuthorAdded       Created    RatingDescription
1/2 patriot rocket - realtimeAzoghlin2011-08-172011-07-23
Justin Farrand was nice enough to upload the video from my Patriot flight to the WIsconsin Tripoli website - thank you Justin! more at mylevel3.wordpress.com
1/2 Scale Patriot - AMW N4000 Blue Babboonjamesfdougherty2011-09-202010-08-02
SSS Springblast/GHS Launch, April 25th 2009. Buckeye AZ, 10393' AGL
1/2 Scale Patriot on L850nblracer2011-05-292009-04-25
This was the maiden flight for the scratch build 1/2 scale Patriot Rocket / Missile on an AeroTech L850 White Lighting at Red Glare VI on Higgs farm in Price, MD . The rocket weighed 45lb on the pad ...
1/3 Scale Mercury Redstone P-9200rfjustin2011-07-132010-12-24
Tripoli Nebraska's 1/3 scale Mercury Redstone rocket flown on a Pat G. P-9200 motor at Airfest 13 (2007) in Argonia, KS.
1/3 Scale Wac Corporal Rocket at Red Glare VIIIqzpm1502011-07-292010-06-17
This is my 1/3 Scale Wac Corporal flown at Red Glare 8. It was boosted using an Aerotech J540R staged to a Censaroni J355 Red Lightning. On board cam is a Booster Vision GearCam DVR. It flew to ...
1:9 scale Saturn 1B flights by Vern Hoag and Steve Eves at MDRAliquidtesla2011-06-242011-04-18
Two 1:9 scale Saturn 1B rockets, the first launched by Vern Hoag and the second by Steve Eves, facilitated by the rocket boys at MDRA. It doesn't get any better (or cooler) than this! Although Vern ...
1er Vol ARIANE 1 HPRastrosquale2013-03-112012-08-05
1er vol de la fusée ARIANE 1 dans sa version High Power Rocket. Vol nominal sur moteur Aerotech i161W, récupération par double ouverture ( altim&Atild ...
3/4 scale Patriot Missile - Red Glare IIIDmboomboom2011-06-282008-05-01
3/4 Patriot Missile, 310 lbs., rocket flew to 8083'.
An Extended interview with Rocket Man Steve Evescantonrep2012-05-182008-08-09
Steve Eves, builder of a 1/10-size replica of the Saturn V rocket that took man to the moon, talks about his lifelong fascination with rockets. CantonRep.com | The Repository - Your Online Source ...
ekomS ekiNTIRrocketry2014-01-172012-07-16
My ekomS ekiN (Nike Smoke in reverse colors). Sorta flying on a CTI K740 C-star. About 300 feet up the thrust ring on our adapter gave up, and the motor slid...
GHS Memorial Launch 2011 ~ 16 Rocket ARMY Trailer Launchjoshismycopilot2011-12-312011-12-05
This video was taken at the GHS Memorial Launch in October of 2011. The GHS Memorial Launch is hosted by the Superstition Spacemodeling Society. This dual axle trailer was pulled out and launched, ...
GIANT Saturn 1B Model Rocket Crash & Flight Vern Hoagjgong86382011-05-292011-04-18
1:9 Beautiful scale of Saturn 1B Rocket. Vern Hoag spent 1 1/2 years building this beauty. Sadly it seperated in flight at high speed, impacting the ground. MDRA 4-17-2011 The Discovery Channel had ...
GIANT Saturn 1B Model Rocket Flight STEVE EVES Great Video & recovery!jgong86382011-05-292011-04-18
1:9 Scale of Saturn 1B by Steve Eves. Beautiful rocket great flight. Was supposed to be a two-stage but only went one stage likely due to built-in safety..? MDRA 4-17-2011 The Discovery Channel had ...
High Power Rocket - Black Brant Launchapogeerockets2011-06-242010-09-21
This video shows the launch of the 4-inch diameter Black Brant II rocket kit. The rocket is available from Apogee Components web site.
High Power Rocket Launchcoolclips00552011-06-172009-05-18
A scale model of the Saturn V rocket with the actual countdown from the real launch at the 2009 TARC finals. The rocket was 50 pounds and used an M class rocket engine.
High Power Rocket Launch - WAC2BORGrocketry2011-06-282009-05-21
The Bend Area Rocket Group (BORG) sent this rocket past 15000' in Brothers, OR on May 16th, 2009. It is a two-stage rocket on L2200s. Apologies in advance for the handheld video.
Honest John - Red Glare 7Dmboomboom2011-06-262009-12-05
Honest John flying on three (3) Aerotech M1315W's, with four (4) Aerotech G80T's in the nose for "Spin Stabilizers". This video was taken by MDRA member Peter Abresch, one of my flying friends. TURN ...
Kieley HoJojcara172011-07-052009-12-04
George Kieley of METRA rocket club flies his 6" Public Enemy Honest John rocket on an AMW L-1400 Skidmark motor. The rocket flew to 1402 feet on a plume of fire, smoke and sparks! The flight was ...
Large Patriot missile rocket launchAzoghlin2011-08-202011-06-18
1/2 PR Patriot on a Gorilla Motors Black Lightning. GREAT MOTOR!
LDRS 25 - Jerry O'Sullivan's Sandhawk Asp-Brant O-motord3deville2011-05-292010-07-05
Jerry O'Sullivan created a great rocket and motor for this spectacular flight at the LDRS 25 national launch of the Tripoli Rockety Association.
LDRS 29 N10,000 1/2 Scale Patriot (MIM-104) Drag Racejamesfdougherty2011-05-292010-08-02
Jack Garibaldi and James Dougherty duke it out at LDRS 29 with identical half-scale Patriot missiles flying with Cesaroni N10,0000 motors.
LDRS Delta 3 Rocket Launchbigfootrsbuddy1232011-06-222009-05-10
Fun sight.
Little John Maiden Flightdarisd2011-06-242010-11-09
The maiden flight of my Madcow Rocketry all-fiberglass Little John. This is a 1/4 scale model of the military rocket.
MDRA Nike Smokeedrowe532011-06-032008-05-21
This is my Nike Smoke launch on a sparky O motor. Video by Sterling Edmonds.
MDRA Red Glare 12 - Nick DeBrita's Mercury-Redstonecyberia552012-06-292012-04-13
Nick DeBrita's 1/6 scale Mercury Redstone at MDRA Red Glare XII.
Mercury Little Joe LDRS 29metalwizard232011-06-032010-08-26
1/6th scale Scratch built Mercury Little Joe By mark hayes
Model rakety V2Pandy00812011-06-202009-11-15
Start modelu rakety V2.
Nike Smokehantonr2011-06-282008-09-04
This Nike Smoke rocket fired at Midwest Power V - 2007 failed to light all 5 solid rocket motors. The failure was quite a sight to see, especially from only a few hundred yards away. "Eric and ...
Polecat V2 on a H123WAksrockets2011-11-242011-09-17
a successful L1 certification flown at Uroc September 17, 2011 Filmed by AKS rockets Please subscribe!
Rocket Launch - 2/3rd scale Irisvahpr2011-06-282011-04-13
My 65% scale Iris on a 15000ns white motor, about an N5000, flying to 8900' at a top speed of 600mph. Onboard footage is from a Contour 1080p helmet cam. Need to shroud it next time. Music by Matt ...
Saturn 5 1/10 Scale Flightlaboo692012-05-182009-04-27
36 feet tall and 1600 lb. 180000 Ns total impulse. What more need be said. Thanks to Steve Eves, his flight sponsors, Loki and MDRA for a memorable launch!
Saturn IB 1:30,1 Launch om M1297W at ALRS EventPixopax2012-03-152012-02-07
This shows the launch of my L3 Rocket, a scale Saturn IB. It flew on an Aerotech M1297W to 1500m.
Saturn V L1 CertificationDryWhitStudio2013-04-042012-01-09
Bert McClure's L1 Certification on a Saturn V Rocket at Austin's AARG event on January 7th 2012.
Saturn V world recordvahpr2012-05-182009-05-01
This is Steve Eve's beautiful, huge 1/10 scale Saturn V flying on a cluster of rocket motors totaling some 42000lbs of thrust. It was a world record for a model rocket but you wouldn't know it ...
On Saturday, April 25, Steve Eves' 1:10 scale Saturn V rocket was launched. This rocket broke the current record for the largest amateur rocket ever to be built and flown. This is fitting, since the ...
Steve Eaves' World Record 1:10 Scale Saturn V Rocketjcara172012-05-182009-10-02
(WARNING: a very short moment of language which may be considered offensive at approximately 17-18 seconds into the video... sorry!) This is a clip of the launch of Steve Eaves' 1/10th scale Saturn ...
Steve Eve SaturnVCrash211362012-05-182009-04-25
Steve Eve's 1/10 Scale Saturn V Launch in HDrcgrabbag2012-05-182009-04-29
This is the HD version of my video of Steve Eve's launch of his record-setting, 1600lb, 36ft. Saturn V replica.
Steve Eves 1/10th Scale Saturn V Lift Off Tripodnerys712012-05-182009-04-26
Steve Eves built a 1700 pound nearly 40ft tall Scale model of a Saturn V rocket. 7700 POUNDS of thrust from 9 massive Rocket Motor's costing $13000 lofted it into the air. It was a hell of a site to ...
Troy's Black Brant Launch @ TRAAUkrustyclown422011-06-262009-05-23
Troy's Black Brant flying on a Hypertech motor @ Tripoli Rocketry Association Australia launch at Serpentine, Victoria on 17th May, 2009.
Two Stage Nike Black Brant.avirocket48652012-02-022012-01-26
Florida Air Academy AFJROTC Rocket Club launches it's 11/32 scale Nike Black Brant at the Palm Bay, FL "Rocket Ranch" of Spaceport Rocketry Association and Tripoli Space Coast. Rocket was boosted on ...
1/9 Scale Delta II Rocket Launch + On-Board Camera - PBX (Plaster Blaster 10)eRocketry2011-11-242011-11-08
erocketry.com | November 6th 2011 - Plaster City, California. Club members have joined together to launch a 1 scale 10.75" diameter 13.7' tall Delta II Model 7420-10 Rocket. eRocketry founder Philip ...
4" Nike I600RocketMan89112011-05-292007-04-08
Aiden Sojourner Polecat Aerospace 4" Nike Smoke on an I600 Redline.
AMRAAM 4 Rocket On-board Videoronglasmann2011-05-292007-09-02
Greg Lane's High Power AMRAAM 4 Rocket was launched with the ARC-2K on-board at the June 2nd 2007 South East Alabama Rocketry Society Launch in Samson, AL.
Black Brant Projectmetalwizard232011-07-022006-12-09
A full-scale Black Brant
Dan Michaels 3/4 scale Patriotlouevans2011-06-282007-04-22
This is Dan's 3/4 scale model rocket it is 15+ ft and 350+ pounds and it flies high!
Delta II Rocket VideoDierking262011-12-312011-11-26
High Powered Delta II scale rocket launched on 11/11/11 at ROCstock in Lucerne Dry Lake, California.
ESL 84 Neil's O motor Nike launchVooDooRocketry2011-06-032007-03-31
Neil gives his interpretation of simms and pushes the button on an O motor which blew the nozzle and changed direction
German V-2 Model Rocket with 8000-lbs of thrustbrettc12011-06-172009-09-11
Launch site in Orangeburg, SC by a model rocket club that meets on a 1-mile diameter sod farm. These guys are SERIOUS about their rockets and this 450-lb super-size model was the prize of the day. ...
LDRS 27 Pershing Q-motor Flight - High Power Rocket Launchd3deville2011-05-292009-04-05
Level 3 Nike SmokeBushmaster732011-05-292007-07-15
Nice level 3 cert flight of a nike smoke
Mile High Mayhem Saturn Vgeneralripper19642011-06-032009-05-24
1/30th scale model of the Apollo 11 Saturn V launched at the Pawnee National Grass lands in Colorado USA. The rocket was powered by a central M motor and four K motors. Maximum altitude reached was ...
N1 Model rocket launch (1/16 scale)jesusfreaks182011-06-192007-09-06
Amazing launch of an N1 1/16 scale model rocket. Saturday, July 21, 2001, the N1 flew at LDRS 20
Nike Rocket Launch at BALLS 16tuxracer1234562011-06-222007-10-15
Full-scale Nike rocket (16 in. diameter, approx. 20 feet tall) launch at BALLS 16, Black Rock Desert, Nevada.
Nike-Smoke Model Rocket Launchapogeerockets2011-06-032010-09-21
Patriot Rocketnavahomo2011-05-292010-06-13
Some really cool rocket at this event called LDRS, which was held in Lucerne Valley, CA. I didn't get it on tape, but shortly after the parachute didn't deploy and the rocket made a very hard ...
Public Missiles 1/4 Scale Patriot High Power RocketBacchus492011-06-232007-04-15
Public Missiles 1/4 Scale Patriot High Power Rocket on a H73J Aerotech Black Jack motor
Saturn 5 Model Rockethantonr2011-08-192007-10-31
This is a 17 foot tall replica of a Saturn V rocket built by Vern and flown at the Midwest Power V rocket launch in IL.
Saturn V Launch April 25, 2009TAM5CD2012-05-182009-04-26
The launch of Steve Eves' 36 foot high model of a Saturn V rocket
Saturn V Model Rocket at Toledo R/C Show HUGE Monster Estes Steve EvesHelloScottB2012-05-182009-04-04
This is a Monster "Model" rocket that will fly on April 25, 2009. It was on display at the Toledo R/C Show at the SeaGate Centre in Toledo, Ohio in early April 2009. More info at www.Rocket ...
Saturn V Model Rocket Launcheoscanonian2012-05-182009-04-25
On April 25, 2009, history will be made. At Higgs Farm in Price, Maryland, Steve Eves will enter the history books as the person who flew the largest model rocket in history. The rocket will weigh ...
Saturn V scale model rocket launchwmnilsson2012-05-182009-04-26
This is a video of a Saturn V scale model rocket launch in Price, MD. The rocket was built by Steve Eves. 
Saturn V scale model rocket launch 480pwmnilsson2012-05-182009-04-26
This is a video of a Saturn V scale model rocket launch in Price, MD. The rocket was built by Steve Eves.
SM-2 Launch 3 July 2006rocketsarus2011-06-192006-10-13
Maiden flight of my 100% scale Standard Missile-2 (SM-2) High Power Rocket on a research O-7148 motor.
Steve Eve 1:10 scale Saturn VMarauder10242012-05-182009-04-25
This is raw video of the successful launch of Steve Eve's 1:10 scale model Saturn V rocket setting a world record for the largest flying scale model rocket. --- Stop complaining that the video did ...
Steve Eve's Record Setting Saturn V Launch - April 25, 2009 - Steve Eve Saturn 5rcgrabbag2012-05-182009-04-26
This is Steve Eve's 36ft 1600lb 1 scale "miniature" Saturn V rocket launch earlier today, commemorating the 40th anniversary of the first landing on the moon. The rocket was lofted by eight 13000ns ...
Steve Eve's Saturn V Launch - World Recordbsnyder972012-05-182009-04-27
Steve's world record 1/10th scale Saturn V rocket launch on 4/25/09 at the MDRA launch site.
Steve Eves 1/10 Scale Saturn V Launch 4/25/09carlos1a2012-05-182009-04-27
Steve's Brilliant reproduction of the Saturn V in commemoration of the 40th anniversary of the Apollo 11 Mission. This video was taken with a static camera and shows the 1600 lb. rocket as it roars ...
Steve Eves 1/10th Scale Saturn V all the way to Deploymentnerys712012-05-182009-04-26
Steve Eves built a 1700 pound nearly 40ft tall Scale model of a Saturn V rocket. 7700 POUNDS of thrust from 9 massive Rocket Motor's costing $13000 lofted it into the air. It was a hell of a site to ...
Steve Eves Builds Saturn V Rocket Replicacantonrep2012-05-182008-08-09
Steve Eves plans to launch his 1/10-size Saturn V rocket from a Maryland field in 2009. CantonRep.com | The Repository - Your Online Source for News in Stark County from Canton, Ohio (OH)
Steve Eves Saturn V @ MDRAliquidtesla2012-05-182009-04-25
Steve Eves' record-setting 1/10th scale Saturn V launched on 4/25/09 at Higgs Farm on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. The MDRA rocket boys know how to do it right!
Steve Eves Saturn V model rocketAxEbOmBtErMiNaToR2012-05-182009-04-25
Steve Eves world record model rocket launch. The most successful launch that could be. it went over 4400 feet. it came and landed on its tail looking towards the sky. 4/25/09
Steve Eves' 1:10 scale Saturn V launchMackDiesel20102012-05-182009-04-25
largest scale / amateur rocket launch, 25 APR 2009...great trip. taken on top of austin's car.
Steve Eves' ROCKET Awesome Saturn V WORLD RECORD LARGESTreallyjustadad2012-05-182009-04-27
Steve Eves Saturn V ROCKET launch April 25th. Flawless. Steve, you should have an honorary Level 4 for this one! WORLD RECORD LARGEST
Steve Eves' Saturn V Launchcalendar162012-05-182009-04-25
At about 1 pm April 25, 2009, Steve Eves went into the record books with the successful launch of his 1:10 scale Saturn V rocket.
Worlds Largest Model RocketBrandx19822012-05-182009-04-25
See the worlds Largest model rocket launch into the clear blue sky. The rocket is a model of a Saturn V the rocket that sent man to the MoonThe Rocket is 36 feet and goes up to 4000 ft. The Rocket ...
ENORMOUS Saturn V Rocket launches in Northern Colorado53rockets2011-06-282009-12-30
During Oktoberfest in Northern Colorado, the last flight to be launched was a scale Saturn V rocket. The rocket had 4 'K' class motors and 1 central 'M' motor giving this missle a lot of punch and a ...
Steve Eve's Saturn V LaunchJonkyOnTheSpot2012-05-182009-04-25
History being made on 25 April, 2009, in Price MD! 36-foot (1/10th scale) Saturn V model rocket... ~8600 lbs of thrust ALL at ONCE, baby! The MDRA did an outstanding job supporting the event where ...
Toledo RC Expocmyksteve2012-05-182009-04-03
Saturn V Rocket Replica inside SeaGate Centre Toledo RC Expo 2009
"P" Motor Rocket Launchvahpr2012-07-152012-04-24
Todd Harrison, Ryan Sebatian, David Reese's "Little John" on a P7200 Green
1/3 scale Model X 15 Launch, Epic Fail, Plaster Blaster 2009rsduhamel2011-11-192009-11-08
November 7, 2009, Plaster Blaster rocket meet at Plaster City, CA. This is a 1/3 scale X-15 with two Cessaroni Pro98 M2505 motors.
1/3 Scale Wac Corporal Rocket at Red Glare VIIIqzpm1502012-09-192012-08-03
This is my 1/3 Scale Wac Corporal flown at Red Glare 8. It was boosted using an Aerotech J540R staged to a Censaroni J355 Red Lightning. On board cam is a Booster Vision GearCam DVR. It flew to ...
1/3 Scale Wac Corporal Rocket at Red Glare VIIIqzpm1502012-09-192012-08-03
This is my 1/3 Scale Wac Corporal flown at Red Glare 8. It was boosted using an Aerotech J540R staged to a Censaroni J355 Red Lightning. On board cam is a Booster Vision GearCam DVR. It flew to ...
103 Vern Hoag Fire at Padnerys712011-06-242011-04-18
104 Vern Hoag The Destructionnerys712011-06-242011-04-18
107 Vern Hoag Widenerys712011-06-242011-04-18
108 Vern Hoag Tightnerys712012-02-122011-04-18
2009 brown steve eves awesome saturn vrocketreviews2012-05-182009-09-29
Shot in April of this year in Price Md. Steve Launched the worlds largest model rocket, and I had to video tape it.
2009 brown steve eves awesome saturn v low resrocketreviews2012-05-182009-09-30
Shot in April of this year in Price Md. Steve Launched the worlds largest model rocket, and I had to video tape it.
2011-10-22 Boris Katan - SaturnV cluster.mp4dave92f12011-11-202011-10-23
Boris Katan's Saturn V cluster rocket, CMASS, Amesbury MA 2011-10-22. 5 motors: 1 x AMW J440 and 4 x Aerotech G64.
3-4 PatriotTomB06672012-01-202011-04-12
3/4 scale Patriot flown on a N and 4 M cluster. Flown at Red Glare 10.
5.5in Nike Smoke on a J500GAksrockets2011-11-042011-09-18
5(point)5in Nike Smoke on a J500G
65" V-2 flying on J motorburkefj2011-11-252011-09-27
Loc 7.5" V-2, 65" tall 15# flying near Amity Oregon on an aerotech 38mm J motor, with rocketman R12 chute, deployment bag. Small video taken with phone camera just to get an idea of the speed of ...
AGM-12b BullPupragsrocket2011-06-282008-10-16
Rags's scratch built 6inch bullpup. First flown at LDRS 27
Amraam 3 rocket700dhealy2014-01-182009-11-29
Dave Healy\'s Public Missiles Amraam 3 shred on a Aerotech K-695 Redline motor the rocket died around 2500 feet.
Arizona Rocketry Team's Patriot Battery at Desert Heat 2010RocketBrew2011-12-312010-03-30
The Arizona Rocketry Team brought their Battery of four 1/2 scale Patriot rockets to the Southern Arizona Rocketry Association (SARA) Desert Heat 2010 launch on Saturday, March 27th. The four ...
Arming the Delta 2 - Plaster Blaster 2009sesdiego2011-06-242009-11-16
The Tripoli San Diego club project, 1/9th scale Delta 2, altimeters are armed before the launch tower is moved to vertical.
Big Rocket Explodes! 1/3 Scale Model Mercury-Redstone 3 Blows Up At Launchspacearium2011-05-292010-04-30
At LDRS-18 (Large and Dangerous Rocket Ships) in Argonia, Kansas in 1999. This was the annual national rocket launch for the Tripoli Rocketry Association. The largest amateur rocket project was a ...
Big V2TomB06672012-01-202011-04-12
The boost of the 500 lb. V2. Motors were O5800 and 2 N3300. Flown at Red Glare 10.
Brent Bierstedt's Honest John on a M1297TomB06672011-09-162011-09-06
My 3" Bull Puppy on an II61W at the Superstition Spacemodeling launch May 2010. www.sssrocketry.org
Dean's Amraam on J350cha05cat2011-07-222010-02-15
Delta 2theluigiteam5432011-11-062009-11-10
DART/Tripoli-San Diego's 1/9th scale model of the Delta 2, launched at Plaster Blaster 8 on 11/8/2009.
Delta 2 Project roll-out - Plaster Blaster 2009sesdiego2011-06-242009-11-16
The Tripoli San Diego club project, 1/9th scale Delta 2, being transported to the launch area, 11/8/2009.
Delta Launch - Plaster Blaster 2009sesdiego2011-06-272009-11-15
The Delta Project, 1/9th scale model of a McDonnell Douglas/Boeing Delta 2, lifts off from the Tripoli San Diego launch site, November 8, 2009. The flight was not totally successful. The clear ...
First launch of the MercCloset Astronaut2013-06-192012-12-25
Flight Of the Redstoneaaupton2011-10-052010-03-27
Full-scale Phoenixguytogo752011-11-052011-11-03
Full-scale Phoenix missile flying on an O impulse motor. This was hard to watch.
5.5" Polecat Aerospace Nike Smoke on a CTI I540. Was lost to the trees upon landing. Was recovered later that week with no damage.
Honest John K530SSrocketkyle2012-09-192008-06-25
unknown Honest John on a CTI K530SS at ST08.
Insane projects' 1/3 scale RedstoneMannyskid162012-09-192012-09-04
A 350 pound mercury Redstone(1/3 scale) flying on a large P class motor made by Pat G.
Joe LaMaster's Phoenix Thunderstruck 2012Lamajg012012-06-272012-04-15
LDRS 27 Pershing Q motor Flight High Power Rocket Launchdoninkarachi2011-10-222011-09-19
LDRS 29 NIKE SMOKE Flights: Sugar vs Aerotechmojaverockets2012-06-292010-06-18
Two flights at the 2010 LDRS-29 event. The first one was a sugar powered K-motor (estimated cost $8) and the second an Aerotech K-540 AP/Composite motor ($110). The three grain one inch core 75mm ...
LDRS 30 - 1/2 Patriot on demo Gorilla motorAzoghlin2011-12-012011-09-04
More info at: http://mylevel3.wordpress.com Jim was nice enough to give me 98mm M1800BL motor to demo. Hopefully this will be tested and for sale soon - it was great!
Lee Berry Patriot M2030MGrocketkyle2012-09-192008-06-25
Lee Berry flies his Patriot on an AT M2030MG at ST08.
Little John - P7200 Greendavidareese2012-06-102012-04-14
On-board video from Todd Harrison's Little John on an Infinity Propulsion P7200 Green motor.
Little John on an H120RAksrockets2012-04-172012-02-19
Flown to about 2000 feet. Recovered without a scratch. Thanks for watching
MARS- Honest John Destruction 2011jimgoggins2012-06-272011-07-25
John D's. HoJo on an L.
MIDWEST POWER V_ Eric C. NIKE SMOKE Clusterrfjustin2012-09-242007-11-05
Eric and Kevin's 12" Nike Smoke. Central AMW N-2600 GG + (4) AMW K-1000's.
Nick DeBrita 1/6th Scale Mercury Redstone flight248Rocketman2482012-06-102012-04-15
The second flight of my 1/6th Scale Mercury Redstone on April 13th, 2012 at Red Glare XII. She flew to 5,760' on a central M1939W and four K550Ws and was recovered with no damage.
Nike - K2045 Vmaxchrislapanse2011-06-282011-04-17
My 4 inch Performance Rocketry Nike Smoke on a CTI Pro54 K2045 Vmax. Video is from a pad camera at 210fps - sorry, but there isn't any sound.
Nike Hercules rocket flightcrapsack10002011-08-192011-03-14
Maiden flight of scratch built rocket 29mm, Aerotech H180W motor
nike smokemetalwizard232011-12-312006-11-20
my first supersonic flight
Nike Smoke - I303 BSchrislapanse2011-11-192010-07-19
My Performance Rocketry 4 inch Nike Smoke flying on a CTI Pro38 I303 Blue Streak
Nike Smoke - I470 WTchrislapanse2011-11-192010-07-19
My Performance Rocketry 4 inch Nike Smoke flying on a CTI Pro38 I470 White Thunder load
Nike Smoke - I800 Vmaxchrislapanse2011-07-132010-07-19
My Performance Rocketry 4 inch Nike Smoke flying on a CTI Pro38 I800 Vmax motor
Nike Smoke - J340 Metalstormchrislapanse2011-06-032010-07-19
My Performance Rocketry 4 inch Nike Smoke flying on an Aerotech J340 metalstorm.
Nike Smoke Pad Viewdwichmann2011-08-182011-08-18
Madcow Rocketry 2.6" Nike Smoke launched on an Aerotech H669 Warp 9. Ripped the top rail button off during launch, pulled about 80 G's off the pad.
Nike Smoke Skidmark Final.wmvgabeosborn2011-05-292010-05-23
This was a launch with the Jackson Model Rocket club at Graves Farm on the Michigan International Speedway campgrounds. The rocket was a Polecat Aerospace 4" Nike Smoke weighing 8.8lbs on the pad. ...
Nike Smoke- I223 SKchrislapanse2011-11-192010-07-19
My Performance Rocketry 4 inch Nike Smoke flying on a Pro38 CTI I223 Skidmark.
just the launch. for more: m3level3.wordpress.com
Proton M Flight at Plaster Blaster 9jdeveau1002011-09-162010-11-14
Proton M Plaster Blaster 9darisd2011-09-162010-11-11
Red Glare XI AMRAAMsmooresculpture2024-04-282011-11-26
Red Glare XI Irissmooresculpture2011-12-012011-11-26
N5000 in a scale Iris rocket
Red Glare XI patriotsmooresculpture2011-12-012011-11-19
Performance Rocketry 1/4 patriot on a CTI I223 skidmark
Red Glare XI Phoenixsmooresculpture2011-12-012011-11-26
4" Madcow phoenix on an H154
Red Glare XII Little John P motorsmooresculpture2012-07-222012-04-17
Yes, you could feel it.
RG8 April_2010_Dan_Michael_Patriot.wmvDmboomboom2011-06-192010-04-25
7th flight of my 3/4 scale Patriot Missile. Rocket flew on all Aerotech Redline Propellant. One central Aerotech N3300R, surrounded by four (4) M1550R's. Rocket weighed 310lbs. at the pad, and flew ...
Sather Ranum's Jayhawk M4770 Thunderstruck 2012Lamajg012012-06-272012-04-15
saturn v 2hakelly2011-06-192009-04-26
Steve Eves' 1/10 scale Saturn rocket launch, Saturday April 25, Price, MD.
Saturn V launchstbdhead2011-12-292009-04-25
Launch of Steve Eve's record-setting 1/10 scale Saturn V model in Price , Maryland 1pm, Sat, April 25, 2009. Absolutely SPECTACULAR!!!!! video of landing here: http://www.youtube.com/watch? ...
Saturn V Model Rocket Launchmikeliszka2011-06-192009-04-26
This is video of the launch Steve Eves' 1/10th scale Saturn V on April 25th, 2009 in Price, MD.
Saturn V Model Rocket Launchwormwood32011-06-262009-04-27
1/10th scale of the Saturn-V, by Steve Eves.
Landing of Steve Eves' record -setting Saturn V model. It actually landed standing upright!!
Scratch built X-15 rocket. Built buy Hal Ellis, flown on a K motor.crapsack10002011-09-022010-11-17
Soviet N-1rocketreviews2011-07-042009-09-25
This scale model of the Soviet N-1 moon rocket was created by the men and women of Tripoli San Diego (Prefect #5) and DART (NAR Section #317). This launch took place at Plaster Blaster in 2005. The ...
Space Shuttlegrtguru172011-08-312007-04-01
SpringBlast 2008: Upscale Nike Smokebakerlawrence20002014-01-172008-04-18
Launch of Gerald Meux's 2/3 scale, 10" Nike Smoke. Wright: 62lbs Motor: Aerotech M1315W Altitude: 5200ft.
Steve Eves Builds Saturn V Rocket ReplicaInfonavcenter2011-06-262009-05-24
Replica a escala 1:10 Saturn V entrevista con el fabricante Seteve Eves.
Steve Eves Builds Saturn V Rocket Replicafirefoxcoco2011-08-082011-08-06
Steve Eves plans to launch his 1/10-size Saturn V rocket from a Maryland field in 2009. CantonRep.com | The Repository - Your Online Source for News in Stark County from Canton, Ohio (OH)
Steve Eves' 1/10 scale Saturn V launces sat. april 25, 2009bike4eric2011-06-192009-04-28
Farag's video of Steve Eves launch
Steve Eves: 1/10th scale Saturn V RockettheDarkBrainer2011-06-262009-04-27
April 25, 2009, Steve Eves went into the record books with the successful launch of his 1:10 scale Saturn V rocket.
The Mercury Joe StoryMercuryJoeProject2011-08-282008-03-06
Tim Wilsey's Astrobee Dalgloer2012-06-292010-10-28
Tim's Astrobee-D on an M Skid
TRIPOLI OKLAHOMA "SHAMU" (V-2) 1997teerocket12012-02-122012-01-02
The first flight of Tripoli Oklahoma's "Shamu" - a large facsimile of German V-2 rocket. All composite construction. Flown at Sooner Boomer 14, Medford, OK in 1997. Motors: (1) AT M-1939, (2) AT ...
V-2 Rocket Launch Vermontjvarric2011-10-132011-09-23
A large model rocket of a V2 flying as part of the joint launch between the Jackson, MI. and Muskegon, Mi. clubs. It flew on a central Loki M2550 and two L630's.
V2 at freedom launchWolfstardesigns2012-02-022009-09-09
ouch, but what a show, CATOed the (2) outside "M" motor and flew on just a "O" motor
V2 Highpower RaketenstartRocketboy2502011-06-032011-04-20
Start am NRT 2011 auf einem Aerotech H180-W Motor.
Vern Hoag's Saturn 1Bmainerocket2011-06-242011-04-17
Sorry for the poor video :(
Vern's Saturn 1BMannyskid162012-09-192012-09-01
A 700 pound rocket flying on 4 N5800's
Wac Corporal LDRS30paintballer03032011-10-092011-09-07
Walt Stafford research Mrocketkyle2012-09-192008-06-25
Walt Stafford's Nike Smoke on a 9,000NS Mr. Clean M load at ST08.
X-15 Crash/Launch Plaster Blaster 2009Tritiumium2011-11-192009-11-08
The Large X-15 launch during Plaster Blaster 2009 Just outside of El Centro, California. Something didn't go right.
Rick's LDRS 23 Rocket shredVooDooRocketry2011-06-192006-11-23
Rick's chinese Long March did what chinese Long Marches do......it disassembled.....it's why we love them...parts from wally world ;-)
Saturn V launch -- largest model rocket in the worldseuratguy2011-06-032009-04-27
This is a 1/10th scale, 36 foot tall Saturn V model rocket. It was launched on April 25, 2009 in Price, MD.

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