Flight Log - 2024-03-09 - Christopher Cafiero's Endurance ISX

Flight Date: 2024-03-09
Rocket Name: Endurance ISX
Flyer's Name: Christopher Cafiero
Motors: C6-7
Expected Altitude: 1,121 Feet
Launch Site: Desert Breeze Park
Fin crack and loss from the speed and jolt of launch...
Wind Speed: 2.00 mph
Wind Direction: From the W
Temperature: 55 F
1Estes C6-7


Second attempt to break 1000', excellent launch with a very straight climb out with slight taper off the wind. Estes altimeter recorded an altitude of 851, beating our old record by 31'. I wonder that if we lost the altimeter weight we might just make it.

The C6-7 continues to show it is the most powerful engine the ship can take...as with the previous launch, there is heat damage to the parachute and shock cord (both will need complete (replacement). The heat damage included some cracking and peeling of paint near the engine, and on one fin. The speed and power combined to fracture one fin from the leading edge heading aft, breaking away the forward 1/3 of the fin. Repairs are possible but will result in flight delays.

We have gained valuable flight experience with the Endurance, and it is our judgment that further flights, mostly testing new equipment, will be limited to the B series engines...we have flown her right up to the edge twice, we'll just have to build a new rocket to meet out goals of 1000' and the speed of sound.

Actual Altitude: 851 Feet (Altimeter)
Additional fin-joint and tube damage...
Parachute melted, but got her down in (more or less) one piece...
A powerful liftoff in the Nevada sunset...
Proud pilot showing his new altitude record!

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